First things first: If you’re having severe headaches day after day, it’s best to consult your doctor to make sure you don’t have an underly health issue that needs addressing (one hidden source of headaches is actually dental pain, so if you’ve been putting off that root canal, you might find relief once you get it out of the way!)  But many run-of-the-mill headaches can be solved or prevented through simple tweaks to what you’re eating or drinking. “All headaches that are primary in nature are the activation of one mechanism—the migraine mechanism. These primary headaches are the ones that can be prevented by modifying what you eat and drink,” says Laurel Steinberg, PhD, founder of the Headache Preventive Lifestyle, and the website Dana Medaris, registered dietitian at Missouri Baptist Medical Center, agrees, saying, “From a nutrition standpoint, headaches can be caused by dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, and food allergies or sensitivities.” What’s more, studies show that deficiencies in folate and other B vitamins along with magnesium have been linked to migraine headaches. Since no one wants to live with headaches, we’ve compiled a list of food and drinks you can try the next time your head is feeling less than stellar.

Foods that help with headaches


According to the National Headache Foundation, headaches are a common symptom of mild to moderate dehydration. According to Medaris, “If you are experiencing a headache, drinking a full glass of water and continuing to sip more fluids during the day may help relieve your pain.”

Leafy greens 

Greens like spinach and kale are packed with headache-friendly magnesium, and also contain folate, which studies show can not only alleviate but also reduce the frequency of your headaches.


This on-the-go snack is a great source of magnesium, which can help keep headaches at bay. “While research about the ability of magnesium-rich foods to reduce the frequency of migraines is ongoing, eating magnesium-rich foods may help and can have other cardiovascular benefits,” says Medaris.


A study published in the Journal of Headache and Pain notes that caffeine by itself may help reduce symptoms of a tension headache or migraine, says Medaris. “Caffeine in coffee and other drinks can relax the blood vessels, supporting circulation and easing tension.”

Fresh fruit 

Fresh fruit has a high water content and can help prevent dehydration. Melons especially have a high fluid content and also contain minerals like magnesium that can help prevent headaches, says Medaris.


Bananas are a quick and easy source of both potassium and magnesium, which can keep headaches at bay.


“Potatoes have a high (80%) water content and high levels of potassium both of which can balance the effects of dehydration,” says Medaris. Try baking a potato at night, then tossing it in the microwave along with some yummy toppings for a super-easy office lunch that will keep those afternoon headaches away.


Made up almost exclusively of water, cucumbers are an excellent source of natural hydration. Dip some in hummus for a filling, healthy treat that can also help with a headache.

Fortified cereal

Cereal fortified with B vitamins and magnesium can help increase the intake of those minerals in the diet, says Medaris. Both of those nutrients can help decrease the frequency of headaches.

Hot peppers 

You can tell when a headache stems from sinus pressure. When you’re feeling stuffed up and achy, banish the pain with some hot peppers. The capsaicin can help clear the nasal passages, says Medaris.

Pumpkin seeds

Another great source of magnesium, this healthy snack is a tasty, filling way to ease a headache. Roast a bunch of seeds with a dash of salt or chili powder for a tasty on-the-go snack.


If you’re new to following a low-carb diet, you may experience lots of headaches from the carb withdrawal. Try a warm bowl of oatmeal to get some healthy carbs without sabotaging your diet. 

Sesame seeds 

These tiny seeds are loaded with vitamin E and magnesium, which can help stave off migraines, says Medaris. Next up, here are 21 easy, gluten-free and low-carb spaghetti squash recipes


Laurel Steinberg, PhD, founder of the Headache Preventive Lifestyle, and the website preventmyheadaches.comDana Medaris, registered dietitian at Missouri Baptist Medical CenterHeadache Journal: “Serum ionized magnesium levels and serum ionized calcium/ionized magnesium ratios in women with menstrual migraine"Headache Journal: “Effects of dietary folate intake on migraine disability and frequency"Journal of Headache and Pain: “Caffeine in the management of patients with headache” 13 Foods   Drinks That Help With Headaches  What to Eat When You Have a Headache - 14