When you click on your Instagram messages, you’ll see “bubbles” at the top with IG users’ profile pictures, along with a little status posted along with it. This is called a “note.” If you click on your own picture from that screen, you’re able to leave your own note to “share what’s on your mind” in 60 characters or less. These updates are able to be viewed by your followers for 24 hours, and they can reply as well. While some people are adding an update similar to an old-school, short and sweet Facebook status, others are going for more of an AIM away message template—using emo song lyrics, a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, and symbols like ~ and *.  So, we’ve taken advantage of the moment by finding the best reactions and memes surrounding this blast from the past of AOL Instant Messenger. Enjoy reminiscing on AIM away messages—we’re feeling angsty already.

Nailed it. Everything from the random caps to “~,” “4,” and triple “r” usage makes this chef’s kiss. Does it even count as an away message if you don’t reference your cell? Exactly. The featured lyrics always carried so much meaning. This tracks. Ah yes, using numbers as letters—perfection. So. Many. Feelings. “I Will Follow You Into the Dark.” Where’s the lie? They don’t know our pain. NP: “If I Ain’t Got You” by Alicia Keys. That’s always the best strategy. There was always a collective vibe of self-importance, to say the least. Classic. I mean… guilty. We’re back to thriving. So much AIM drama. Exactly—we’re fine, but we’re dramatic. And suddenly, we’re teens again. Completely accurate. Moody is definitely the right word. This had us going down memory lane. Same. But we wouldn’t change a thing. Next: 50 Best Christmas Instagram Captions for Fun Holiday Vibes