Of course, if you are a child, Christmas is more about receiving gifts, eating treats and visiting Santa. So, some of the poetry on our list is just for small kids to enjoy—the rhymes are light-hearted and fun which means they will probably want to be repeated over and over. Here are our 30 favorite Christmas poems.

Best Christmas Poems

1. Jesus Christ Emmanuel

Journeying to Bethlehem, a long and tiring trekEvery bed was full that night, no matter where they checkedStable is empty, someone said, a place to lay your headUntil a baby was born in there, a manger for a bedSomeone special and holy, the angels all said Christened Emmanuel, a name chosen by GodHow noble for one born in a situation so oddRemembered now in prayers and churches all around the worldImmortalized in stories and songs learned by every boy and girlSacrificed upon the cross to forgive us all our sinsThe Son of God who was born for us, who died and was born again – unknown

2. The First Christmas

It never snows at Christmas in that dry and dusty land.Instead of freezing blizzards, there are palms and drifting sands,and years ago a stable and a most unusual star and three wise men who followed it, by camel, not by car,while, sleepy on the quiet hills, a shepherd gave a cry.He’d seen a crowd of angels in the silent starlit sky.In the stable, ox and ass stood very still and calmand gazed upon the baby, safe and snug in Mary’s arms.And Joseph, lost in shadows, face lit by an oil lamp’s glowstood wondering, that first Christmas Day, two thousand years ago. – Marian Swinger

3. Why It Is

Though the presents are shiny and the paper is brightAnd it is hard to wait through the long and cold nightTo open them all the very next dayAnd bring out the wonderful new toys to playIt is important that we all rememberWhy it is we give gifts at the end of DecemberWhy it is we all gather and joyously sing:To celebrate the birth of our Savior and King – unknown

4. Christmas Bells

I heard the bells on Christmas DayTheir old, familiar carols play,And wild and sweetThe words repeatOf peace on earth, good-will to men! – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

5. Celebrating Christmas

Celebration of the birth of ChristHe who is the SaviorResting in a manger, in a bed of hayIn the light of the Christmas star shining above, showing the wayShepherds and kings all followed the light to pay tribute to HimTo leave gifts at his feet and acknowledge their KingMary’s son, and the Son of GodA man, too, and mortal, able to die for our sins, and soSave us from ourselves, and grant us eternal life and light – unknown

6. Winter Time

Late lies the wintry sun a-bed, A frosty, fiery sleepy-head; Blinks but an hour or two; and then, A blood-red orange, sets again. Before the stars have left the skies,At morning in the dark I rise; And shivering in my nakedness, By the cold candle, bathe and dress. Close by the jolly fire I sit To warm my frozen bones a bit;Or with a reindeer-sled, explore The colder countries round the door. When to go out, my nurse doth wrap Me in my comforter and cap; The cold wind burns my face, and blowsIt’s frosty pepper up my nose. Black are my steps on silver sod; Thick blows my frosty breath abroad; And tree and house, and hill and lake, Are frosted like a wedding cake. – Robert Lewis Stevenson

7. Written In The Stars

Tonight, I look up at the stars in the skyAnd remember another star, from days long gone byThat shone oh so brightly, to show men the wayTo a small baby laid in a manger of hay This baby was sweet, all shiny and new,But he means so much more to me and to youWe know him as Jesus Christ or EmmanuelAnd his story is one we have long loved to tell Because it is a story of the best of manOf mercy and sacrifice and God’s all-knowing planIt is a story of love beyond measureOf a Father who gave us His most precious treasure I think of all this, as I look at the starsI think about the love of this God of oursAnd I close my eyes and cross myself, and I prayThat I will remember this love every day – unknown

8. Music On Christmas Morning

Music I love -­ but never strainCould kindle raptures so divine,So grief assuage, so conquer pain,And rouse this pensive heart of mine -­As that we hear on Christmas morn,Upon the wintry breezes borne. Though Darkness still her empire keep,And hours must pass, ere morning break;From troubled dreams, or slumbers deep,That music kindly bids us wake:It calls us, with an angel’s voice,To wake, and worship, and rejoice; – Anne Brontë

9. Christmas Carol

The kings they came from out the south,All dressed in ermine fine;They bore Him gold and chrysoprase,And gifts of precious wine.The shepherds came from out the north,Their coats were brown and old;They brought Him little new-born lambs—They had not any gold.The wise men came from out the east,And they were wrapped in white;The star that led them all the wayDid glorify the night.The angels came from heaven high,And they were clad with wings;And lo, they brought a joyful songThe host of heaven sings.The kings they knocked upon the door,The wise men entered in,The shepherds followed after themTo hear the song begin.The angels sang through all the nightUntil the rising sun,But little Jesus fell asleepBefore the song was done. – Sara Teasdale

10. Mistletoe

Sitting under the mistletoe(Pale-green, fairy mistletoe),One last candle burning low,All the sleepy dancers gone,Just one candle burning on,Shadows lurking everywhere:Some one came, and kissed me there.Tired I was; my head would goNodding under the mistletoe(Pale-green, fairy mistletoe),No footsteps came, no voice, but only,Just as I sat there, sleepy, lonely,Stooped in the still and shadowy airLips unseen—and kissed me there. – Walter de La Mare

11. Christ’s Nativity

Awake, glad heart! get up and sing!It is the birth-day of thy King.Awake! awake!The Sun doth shakeLight from his locks, and all the wayBreathing perfumes, doth spice the day.Awake, awake! hark how th’ wood rings;Winds whisper, and the busy springsA concert make;Awake! awake!Man is their high-priest, and should riseTo offer up the sacrifice.I would I were some bird, or star,Flutt’ring in woods, or lifted farAbove this innAnd road of sin!Then either star or bird should beShining or singing still to thee.I would I had in my best partFit rooms for thee! or that my heartWere so clean asThy manger was!But I am all filth, and obscene;Yet, if thou wilt, thou canst make clean.Sweet Jesu! will then. Let no moreThis leper haunt and soil thy door!Cure him, ease him,O release him!And let once more, by mystic birth,The Lord of life be born in earth. – Henry Vaughan

12. In The Bleak Midwinter

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,In the bleak midwinter, long ago.Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him, nor earth sustain;Heaven and earth shall flee away when He comes to reign.In the bleak midwinter, a stable place sufficedThe Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ.Enough for Him, whom cherubim, worship night and day,Breastful of milk, and a mangerful of hay;Enough for Him, whom angels fall before,The ox and ass and camel which adore.Angels and archangels may have gathered there,Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air;But His mother only, in her maiden bliss,Worshipped the beloved with a kiss.What can I give Him, poor as I am?If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part;Yet what I can I give Him: give my heart. – Christina Rossetti

13. The Oxen

Christmas Eve, and twelve of the clock.“Now they are all on their knees,”An elder said as we sat in a flockBy the embers in hearthside ease.We pictured the meek mild creatures whereThey dwelt in their strawy pen,Nor did it occur to one of us thereTo doubt they were kneeling then.So fair a fancy few would weaveIn these years! Yet, I feel,If someone said on Christmas Eve,“Come; see the oxen kneel,“In the lonely barton by yonder coombOur childhood used to know,”I should go with him in the gloom,Hoping it might be so. – Thomas Hardy

14. Christmas Mail

Cards in each mailbox,angel, manger, star and lamb,as the rural carrier,driving the snowy roads,hears from her bundlesthe plaintive bleating of sheep,the shuffle of sandals,the clopping of camels.At stop after stop,she opens the little tin doorand places deep in the shadowsthe shepherds and wise men,the donkeys lank and weary,the cow who chews and muses.And from her Styrofoam cup,white as a star and perchedon the dashboard, leading herever into the distance,there is a hint of hazelnut,and then a touch of myrrh. – Ted Kooser

15. God’s Greatist Gift

God’s greatest gift was sent to allHe was born in a lowly manger stallThe gift of Jesus to those who believeIs a gift of love and life for all.God’s love was shown in his SonHe came that we may live as oneOur thanks and praise can not expressOur love for God that brings happiness.So at this Christmas time rejoicePraise the Lord with your voiceThe miracle of that special birthShows how much God thinks you’re worth. – Catherine Pulsifier

Christmas Poems For Kids

16. How The Grinch Stole Christmas

…So he paused. And the Grinch put his hand to his ear.And he did hear a sound rising over the snow.It started in low. Then it started to grow.But the sound wasn’t sad! Why, this sound sounded merry!It couldn’t be so! But it WAS merry! VERY!He stared down at Whoville! The Grinch popped his eyes!Then he shook! What he saw was a shocking surprise!Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small,Was singing! Without any presents at all!He HADN’T stopped Christmas from coming! IT CAME!Somehow or other, it came just the same!And the Grinch, with his grinch-feet ice-cold in the snow,Stood puzzling and puzzling: “How could it be so?““It came with out ribbons! It came without tags!““It came without packages, boxes or bags!“And he puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore.Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before!“Maybe Christmas,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store.““Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”… – Dr. Seuss

17. Little Pine Tree

I’m a little pine treeAs you can see,All the other pine treesAre bigger than me.Maybe when I grow upThen I’ll beA great big merry Christmas tree! – unknown

18. Peppermint Stick

I took a lickOf a peppermint stickAnd oh it tasted yummy! It used to beOn the Christmas treeBut now it’s in my tummy! – unknown

19. Five Little Reindeer

Five little reindeer playing in the snowThe first one said, “Can you see my nose glow?”The second one said, “Listen to me sing!”The third one said, “I can hear the bells ring.”The fourth one said, “Let’s eat the pie!”The fifth one said, “I’m ready to fly.”Then clomp went their hoovesAnd the snow fell whiteAs the five little reindeer flew out of sight. – unknown

20. Magic Reindeer Food

Be sure to take this magic foodand sprinkle it on the lawn. On Christmas Eve, Santa’s reindeerstravel miles before the dawn. The smell of oats and glitterwill guide them on their way. And you’ll wake up to Santa’s giftson merry Christmas day! – unknown

21. Snowball

I made myself a snowball,As perfect as could be,I thought I’d keep it as a pet,And let it sleep with me.I made it some pajamas,And a pillow for its head.Then last night it ran away,But first, it wet the bed! – Shel Silverstein

22. Mom Is Making Christmas

Cookies baking in the kitchen,The smell floats through the air;Mom is making Christmaswith her usual merry flair The house she gaily decorated,Each gift she stitched with love,And we’ll gather around the Christmas treefor an evening of old-fashioned fun This evening she’ll sing a carol for usWith her angel’s voice.Yes, Mom is making Christmas,A true reason to rejoice. – Vicky A. Luong

23. The Little Christmas Carollers

We are a band of carollers,We march through frost and snow,But care not for the weatherAs on our way we go.At every hall or cottageThat stands upon our way,We stop to give the peopleBest wishes for the day.We pray a merry Christmas,Made bright by Christmas cheer,With peace, and hope, and gladnessAnd all they may hold dear.And for all those that happenTo pass us on our wayWe have a smile, and wish themA merry Christmas-day. – L.A. Franc

24. When Santa Claus Comes

A good time is coming, I wish it were here,The very best time in the whole of the year;I’m counting each day on my fingers and thumbs —the weeks that must pass before Santa Claus comes.Then when the first snowflakes begin to come down,And the wind whistles sharp and the branches are brown,I’ll not mind the cold, though my fingers it numbs,For it brings the time nearer when Santa Claus comes. – unknown

25. Christmas Giving

Christmas is for givingAnd for showing that we care,For honoring the Christ ChildWith the loving gifts we share.The wise men gave of riches;The shepherds, faith and love.Each gift, in its own measure,Was smiled on from above.Let every gift be treasured;Not always size or priceDetermines the extent of loveAnd willing sacrificeHandsome gifts with festive trimBring smiles of sweet content,But modest gifts of humble meansare ofttimes heaven sent.Whether it be large or small,Each gift will share in partThe message of true Christmas joyIf given from the heart! – Iris W. Bray

26. Writing A Letter To Santa

I’m writing a letter to Santa,To tell him I’ve been oh-so-good.I’ve been such a sweet little angel,And done all the things I should. Well, maybe not quite all the things I should,Like doing my homework after school.And there may have a time or two,Where I broke the Golden Rule. There’s that time I smashed the window,‘Cause I was playing ball inside.I knew my mom would be mad,So I ran away to hide. I also yanked my sister’s pigtails.I pulled them so hard she cried.I got grounded a week for that stunt,Although a couple times I snuck outside. Okay, maybe I haven’t been perfect,But, Santa, I swear that I’ve tried.I promise if you give me a break this year,Next year I’ll get on your good side. – Kelly Roper

27. Waiting For Santa

I think I heard Santa ho, ho, ho.I could have but I don’t know.Run to the window, hoping for a sleigh.Did I just hear a reindeer neigh?Oh Santa, it is hard to wait.Why does the 25th have to be the date? – Jennifer L. Betts

28. A Ride With Santa

I wish that dear old SantaWould take me for a ride;I’d like to drive his reindeerAnd sit by Santa’s side.I’d like to help old SantaFind all the girls and boys,So each one might be happyWith Christmas books and toys.Jingle, jingle, jingle,Christmas toys we’d bring;Jingle, jingle, jingle,How the bells would ring! – Ovie Pedige Tanner

29. Christmas Recipe

A pound of funAnd a pound of joyMake a nice presentFor a girl or boy.A cup of goodnessAnd a cup of loveReally are giftsFrom heaven above.A pinch of hollyAnd a pinch of pine -Now, we knowIt’s Christmas time. – Gay Dowling

30. Getting Ready For Christmas

Oh, Christmas is a time of yearI love with all my heart;And best of all, I think I likeThe getting-ready part!We practice carols weeks aheadAnd mail some things awayI get to help sign Christmas cardsAnd make the house look gayWe plan a program for our churchAnd make some gifts at school,The postman brings us packages -We hide them; that’s our rule.We trim the Christmas tree, we cook,We wrap for all we’re worth;But best of all, we read once moreOf baby Jesus’birth. – Doris Wilder Next up, 20 best Christmas plants for your home.

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