What is Summer Squash?

Summer squash basically refers to any squash that’s harvested when the rinds are still soft and edible. The most common summer squash varieties to note are yellow squash and zucchini.

When is Summer Squash in Season?

Summer squash season is typically from June until mid-August, when it can be found all over farmers’ markets, supermarkets and in CSA baskets. You may even be able to harvest summer squash from your own vegetable garden—if you’re lucky enough to have one. And mind you, these summer squashes come in waves, so be prepared for a whole bunch of them and get ready for the harvest.

How to Cook Summer Squash

Think of cooking summer squash like you would zucchini (since it’s the same thing). You can make summer squash zoodles, grill them whole, halved or sliced, turn it into ratatouille, pesto and yellow squash soup—even shave summer squash raw and serve it in a delicious carpaccio.

Best Summer Squash Recipes

Whether you want to make Summer Squash Noodles, Squash Casserole, Summer Squash Soup or simply grill ’em up—I’ve got you covered with these easy summer squash recipes. No more wondering what to do what all that summer squash anymore! Have a look through these amazing ways to cook this summery veg and don’t forget to pin your favorites. Next up:16 Terrific Tomato Recipes for the Summer

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