“L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body,” explains Brittany Michels, MS, RDN, LDN, CPT, registered dietitian and nutritionist. And its function in the body is pretty major. If you don’t know much about amino acids, here’s a helpful breakdown: Amino acids are categorized as essential (can’t be produced by the body), nonessential (can be produced by our body) and conditional, or not essential except during certain times. “L-glutamine is considered a conditional amino acid as it typically is non-essential except during times of metabolic stress, illness or poor dietary intake,” says Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, registered dietitian and nutritionist and National Media Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “For example, if a person is undergoing surgery, which is a time of stress to the body, glutamine gets quickly depleted from the body’s stores, as it serves as a major fuel source and needs to be replaced externally. This can be done by consuming additional protein and supplementation or else the body will begin to break down its own muscle to release more glutamine (amino acids).” And L-glutamine serves many roles in the body. “Amino acids like L-glutamine are the building blocks for making proteins in the body, they help transport substances throughout your body, help maintain antioxidant status and immune function,” says Ehsani. “L-glutamine helps make proteins in the body, and also it helps make glutathione, an antioxidant.” The body produces L-glutamine in the muscles, but you also get it from the foods you eat. “We obtain L-glutamine from protein foods, and highest levels are found in animal meats and foods of animal origin: meat, fish, eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese,” says Michels. She adds that some foods of vegetable origin also contain L-glutamine, including: beans, spinach, cabbage and beets. However, heat denatures L-glutamine, so she notes that raw versions of these foods provide the most L-glutamine.

L-glutamine Benefits

There are so many benefits of having plenty of L-glutamine in your body. These include:

Improves gut health

“L-glutamine is beneficial for any type of digestive condition,” says Michels. “Gut mucosa is the major site of glutamine metabolism and is a key fuel source for gut mucosa cells. Glutamine supplementation has been found to decrease intestinal permeability, balance intestinal mucus production and reduce diarrhea symptoms.”

Promotes muscle growth

“Glutamine levels drop after an intense workout, and muscle tissue is a major site of glutamine production where it supports muscle growth,” says Michels. “Glutamine supplementation has been found to contribute to faster post-workout recovery.”

Supports immune health

“Glutamine supplementation has been found to boost the immune system because it’s utilized at a high rate in many immune functions, including T-cell proliferation and B-cell differentiation,” says Michels. Adds Ehsani, “L-glutamine can also be helpful for people who are immunodeficiency, have infections, are malnourished, and may be helpful even for elite or professional athletes who have high training volumes and are more susceptible to having weakened immune systems. The immune system function can be compromised when not enough glutamine is available to the body. Therefore, consuming a sufficient diet high in important or glutamine supplements should be implemented.”

Supports blood sugar management

“Glutamine supplementation has been found to improve glucagon-like peptide-1 secretions, which aid in satiety and blood sugar regulation,” says Michels. Adds Ehsani, “Some studies have found that glutamine supplementation can lead to lower fasting blood sugar levels, lower post-meal blood sugars, lower triglycerides levels and an increase in insulin production. However, more research needs to be conducted in this area.”

How to supplement with L-glutamine

If you are interested in adding an L-glutamine supplement to your diet, here are a few things to keep in mind. “Since L-glutamine is already being produced by the body, it’s not necessary to consume, only during types of metabolic stress, illness and poor nutritional intake should supplementation be consumed,” notes Ehsani. She also shared that most people are consuming sufficient glutamine from consuming protein-rich foods. But if you are looking to supplement, some studies have found that 5 grams a day is sufficient, as most people are consuming about 3-6 grams of glutamine per day from food. Michels adds that dosage recommendations do vary, and can range from 5-30 grams per day in divided doses, depending on the desired benefit. She notes that the easiest way to get into goal range is to consume a powder option.

L-glutamine Risks and Side Effects

The good news is there aren’t major risks associated with taking L-glutamine. “There are low risks to glutamine supplementation, especially short term within the above dosage range,” notes Michels. “Those with kidney disease, liver disease, Reye’s syndrome or cancer should consult their doctor prior to supplementation. In the case of an allergic reaction, stop taking right away.” If you have any qualms or questions, always consult a professional. “It’s always best to consult with your medical provider and registered dietitian nutritionist before starting any type of supplementation,” says Ehsani.Next up: What’s the Best Time of Day to Take Multivitamins?


Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and National Media Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsBrittany Michels, MS, RDN, LDN, CPT, registered dietitian nutritionist with The Vitamin Shoppe