Working out when you have back pain is safe—but you just have to know what kinds of exercises to do, says Anel Pla, a certified personal trainer at Simplexity Fitness in Guttenberg, New Jersey.  “Back pain sometimes occurs because your back overcompensates for weak muscles,” she explains. “You may have a weak core or poor glute activity. Exercise helps our muscles to relax and it increases blood flow to the back area.”  If you have sudden back pain, it’s a good idea to take a rest day before going back to your exercise routine, and visit your doctor if the pain continues, says Dr. Blessen Abraham, DC, a chiropractor and founder of Brunswick Health & Physical Therapy Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey.  “Workouts for people with chronic back pain are all dependent on the cause of the back pain,” he says. “If they have an underlying spinal issue, they should refrain from working out until they are cleared by their doctor.”  Once you’ve been cleared to work out with back pain, always listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel right or causes pain, stop, Pla says.  Here are eight workouts that you can usually do if you have back pain.

Workouts for Back Pain

1. Walking

Walking is a low-impact exercise that doesn’t put too much stress on the spine, so it’s usually better for people with back pain than running, which is a high-impact activity, Abraham says.  Fast-paced walking, stationary cycling, and using an elliptical machine are some other lower-impact ways to increase your cardio, Pla adds.

2. Yoga

Yoga is another low-impact exercise that keeps your muscles strong and joints moving well. Pla says it also decreases inflammation, increases mobility, helps you focus on your posture, and offers deep stretching. “It helps you release endorphins, which can help ease the pain signals to your back,” she adds.  It’s always a good idea to talk to your yoga instructor about your back pain and ask for modifications if needed to avoid injury.

3. Lightweight training

Weight lifting can benefit people with back pain, just go light on the weights and add more movement repetitions, Abraham says. Getting a weightlifting belt can help too, he adds, “When a weight belt is put on properly—very tight—it will support the back.” Building strength in your back could also reduce pain and support other parts of the body, Pla says. Be sure to always stretch and warm-up before a workout, and tighten your abdominal muscles before weight lifting to protect your lower back.

4. Squats and lunges

Squats and lunges can help condition your back, which could help with pain. These exercises can be modified to accommodate all levels.  Pla suggests doing squats using a stability ball between you and a wall to keep your spine from curving, which might hurt your back. You can also do goblet squats where you hold a kettlebell to your chest as you squat. Forward or backward lunges are other great exercises.

5. Swimming

Swimming is another low-impact exercise for people with lower back pain, Abraham says. This can include doing water aerobics, swimming laps, or just lightly treading water. It can improve cardiovascular health, flexibility, posture, and balance. It also helps build muscle, especially in the back, shoulders, and core.

6. Glute bridges

Glute bridges are an exercise that Pla recommends, as they help build glute strength and reduce knee and back pain. Just keep your ab muscles tight to avoid overarching your back.  A modification is a knee-to-chest exercise, where you like on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. While keeping your back on the floor, lift one knee at a time into your chest, hold for up to 30 seconds, and repeat.

7. Pull-ups or push-ups

Pull-up or push-up variations help build muscles in your arms, shoulders, back, abs, and legs, which can protect your back, Pla says. Do assisted pull-ups using a band or standing on a raised surface or push-ups on your knees, for example. As you build strength, you may see improvements in your pain level. 

8. Pilates

Like yoga, Pilates is a low-impact workout that can decrease and help you manage back pain, Abraham says. Pilates builds core strength, increases muscle mass, and improves flexibility and posture.  “Not moving enough can weaken your core muscles, make the pain worse over the long term, and also lead to other health problems,” Pla says. 

Exercises to avoid if you have back pain

When working out with back pain, avoid picking up large heavy objects or weights, Abraham says. Pla says to also avoid any exercise where you hyper-extend or arch your lower back or repeatedly flex your spine under a heavy load, such as sit-ups, straight leg deadlifts, or adding too much weight to a squat. Always follow your doctor’s orders when you’re exercising with back pain, Abraham emphasizes, and listen to your body.  “You know your body better than anyone else, so when you feel there’s something wrong with your back, stop immediately,” he says. “Don’t force yourself to go heavy if you’re doing any kind of weightlifting. If you’re on a bike or treadmill and you start to feel your back pain flare-up, stop and don’t push it.”  Next, read about the best stretches for upper back pain. 


Dr. Blessen Abraham, DC, chiropractor, founder of Brunswick Health & Physical Therapy Center Anel Pla, a certified personal trainer at Simplexity FitnessAmerican Chiropractic Association: Back Pain Facts and Statistics  8 Best Workouts for Back Pain - 86