But the latest fad to stop us scrolling in our tracks is sort of a throwback to ninth-grade biology: Users on the app are drinking liquid chlorophyll, claiming skin-clearing and detoxifying properties. Chlorophyll, if you need a refresher from your high school days, is a pigment that gives plants their green color. And, according to Kathryn Straub, a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic, the property itself does provide health benefits. “That’s because, while ultimately more research needs to be done, it is found in green plant foods which we know are beneficial.” Straub points to studies that have been done about the impact chlorophyll has on decreasing body odor, wound healing, hay fever/allergic rhinitis, and anti-aging. We absorb chlorophyll naturally in leafy greens, herbs, green vegetables like broccoli and brussels sprouts and even matcha, Straub said. On TikTok, though, it’s consumed in liquid form, diluted with water. The before and after images on some of these videos look pretty remarkable—all clear skin and magically erased redness. But is it legit? The short answer is maybe, according to Straub. “More research is needed,” she said. As it pertains to clear skin, Straub said “a few studies have been conducted looking into using topical chlorophyll for reducing facial redness, acne and photo damage. These studies looked at a gel solution of chlorophyll applied directly to the skin. In one study, participants experienced improvements in mild-moderate acne and large, visible pores.” Dermatologist and president of the Maryland Dermatologic Society Zain Syed pointed out to The Washington Post, however, that those studies examine topical—not liquid—treatments. “The studies showed a very mild effect on acne,” he said. “Nothing to the effect of what is being portrayed in these videos. None of them were studying oral supplementation of chlorophyll and they were very, very small pilot studies that were not tested against a placebo, so even this small amount of evidence is very weak.” c To that end,Steph Grasso, another registered dietitian with over one million followers on TikTok, shared a similar sentiment. She too pointed out the minimal research surrounding these claims as well as warning against trying something just because it’s viral on the app. Finally, she explained that eating your greens is just as an effective way to get your daily chlorophyll intake. BRB, loading up on spinach. Next, read about how to get rid of acne scars.


Dr. Kathryn Straub, RD at the Cleveland Clinic, Center for Functional MedicineScience Direct: “Wound healing: An experimental study of water soluble chlorophyll derivatives in conjunction with various antibacterial agents"National Library of Medicine: “Efficacy of chlorophyll c2 for seasonal allergic rhinitis: single-center double-blind randomized control trial"National Library of Medicine: “Assessment of the safety and efficacy of topical copper chlorophyllin in women with photodamaged facial skin"The Washington Post: “TikTokers are drinking liquid chlorophyll. Experts debunk this wellness craze.” Chlorophyll Water  Are There Any Real Benefits to Drinking Liquid Chlorophyll  - 66