One place we’re really seeing this? Heart health. Today, Cleveland Clinic released their annual heart health survey, which surveyed 1,000 people in the U.S. over the age of 18, and the results are concerning. Luckily, with a little information, there’s a lot to be done. Here’s what you need to know.

Half of Americans experiencing negative health symptoms aren’t seeking care

According to Cleveland Clinic’s findings, just 52% of people sought medical help when they experienced concerning medical symptoms (that number jumped to 63% for patients living with heart disease), and around 85% of Americans say they’re worried about contracting COVID-19 when seeking treatment for health issues at a doctor’s office. As a result, many people have turned to the internet or friends and family instead of seeking the help of a licensed medical provider. Additionally, one third of heart disease patients have put off taking their heart medication during the pandemic because they’re afraid to see a doctor. Dr. Luke Laffin, Preventive Cardiologist at ClevelandClinic, tells that if people are experiencing any troubling symptoms, they should find a way to see their doctor immediately. “Find a way to see your doctor soon,” he urges. “The pandemic has been going on for almost a year and is likely going to continue for multiple more months and heart disease risk doesn’t decrease in the midst of a pandemic—it may in fact increase because individuals have gained weight and are more sedentary (not able to exercise regularly at the gym.) Many healthcare systems, ClevelandClinic included, are taking strict precautions to keep patients safe with in-person appointments and have expanded telemedicine virtual visit services as well.”

Many Americans have misconceptions about how COVID affects heart health

Survey results found that 61% of Americans don’t realize that heart disease puts you great at risk for contracting a severe case of COVID-19, and 69% are unaware that hypertension adds increased risk as well. Additionally, 33% of Americans think you’re only at risk of long-term heart health effects from COVID-19 if you already have a pre-existing heart condition (this is not true) and 25% of people incorrectly believe COVID-19 doesn’t affect your heart.  “Heart disease and risk factors for heart disease, such as obesity and hypertension, increase one’s risk of more severe COVID-19 symptoms,” says Dr. Laffin. “As such, I’d encourage all patients with heart disease or risk factors for heart disease to get vaccinated when able.” Additionally, one third of heart disease patients have put off taking their heart medication during the pandemic because they’re afraid to see a doctor.

Weight gain and stress are way up

A sedentary lifestyle and increased stress haven’t exactly worked wonders for our health over the past year. 42% of Americans and about half (47%) of heart disease patients have gained weight during the pandemic. Of the people who gained weight, 25% gained more than 20 pounds, and 76% of Americans report feeling more stressed because of COVID—and only about 55% of those stressed out individuals know that stress can impact heart health. While these numbers are concerning, there’s a lot that can be done to reverse them—or at least start to see them trending in the right direction. “Find a way to stay active,” says Dr. Laffin. “For much of the country, it can be difficult to go outside regularly right now particularly because of colder weather. Use that treadmill collecting dust in the basement or walk your stairs multiple consecutive times during the day. Particularly for elderly individuals, they have to do more physical activity every year just to keep their current muscle mass. "

But it wasn’t all bad news

We know, we know: This is a lot of bad news to swallow. But there were some good things to come out of the past year, like the fact that some Americans have taken on new healthy habits during the pandemic. 35% of people surveyed started taking vitamins or supplements, 32% started exercising more, and 30% started eating a healthier diet. Next, does too much sugar spike cholesterol? 


Dr. Luke Laffin, Preventive Cardiologist at ClevelandClinicCleveland Clinic: “Cleveland Clinic Survey: About Half of Americans Experiencing Concerning Heart Symptoms During Pandemic Avoid Seeking Care” Cleveland Clinic Heart Health Survey Results  2021  - 65