The 58-year-old actress is full of shenanigans in her latest Instagram video. In the clip, cox showcased how to eat pizza the “proper” way when you’re from the Big Apple.“A lot of people that are not from New York come into the city, and they can’t wait to have New York style pizza, and they don’t know how to eat it,” Cox said before demonstrating the correct way to devour a slice of the cheesy goodness.“So first what you do is–dab it. Get all the oil off, and then New Yorkers, they like to cut the tip off, and they just do a little bite at a time,” she said while cutting the pizza with a plastic fork and knife.  Cox continued: “If you’re like from Sicily or whatever–roll it like a ‘pizza pie,’” she quipped just before rolling the pizza from the bottom to the top of the crust.“You do it like this, though, right?” Cox asked the people sitting next to her, to which they responded, “yeah,” going along with her mischief. “Sometimes people are craving double cheese, so you move all the cheese into one area, and then you can give it to somebody,” Cox said before handing off one part of her slice to the same group. “How ‘real’ New Yorkers eat pizza 🍕,” the actress captioned the satirical video. Many fans took to the comments and expressed how they really felt about Cox eating the pizza in this manner.  “I’m Italian and this is not acceptable!!!🤦😂” one fan commented.“As a native NYer, I’ve never been more offended. 🗽🍕😂😳,” another fan joked. “All these pour tourists gonna look real weird if they do this 🤣🤣🤣,” someone else wrote.“Somewhere my Italian ancestors are turning in their graves😂😂😂😂,” another user quipped.Of course, we certainly hope Cox knows the right way to eat a piece of pizza, and that’s by simply leaving the grease and curving the crust’s edges towards each other to “fold” the slice before taking a bite.