One treatment that some swear has worked may actually seem a bit unorthodox. It involves heading to a piercing studio for a daith piercing to adorn a part of the innermost cartilage fold of the ear. But what exactly is involved in getting a daith piercing, and is it a legitimate treatment to ease migraine pain? Here’s what migraine sufferers need to know before booking an appointment for a daith piercing.

What causes a migraine?

The American Migraine Foundation notes that the exact causes of migraines are still unknown. What doctors can help pinpoint, however, are migraine triggers (because they can be different for everyone). “[We know it’s a] combination of genetics with environmental triggers,” explains Dr. Zubair Ahmed, MD, a neurologist at Cleveland Clinic. “Think of it like other chronic medical conditions like hypertension or diabetes. The pathophysiology includes the release of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), a neuropeptide involved much of the signaling that results in migraine pain and other associated symptoms.” There are both medical and lifestyle factors that can trigger a migraine, such as sleep, diet and hydration, which may need to be identified by a specialist. Dr. Ahmed adds that headache specialists can help develop non-pharmacological approaches—but can recommend medication, if necessary—to help prevent and ease migraine symptoms.

Where did daith piercing as a migraine treatment originate?

While the exact origins of daith piercings as a treatment for migraines is hard to trace, the piercing itself was first developed in the early 1990s by a piercer named Erik Dakota. As the piercing itself has only been around for about 30 years, claims it is a migraine treatment are relatively new as well. Professional piercers noticed as soon word of daith piercings to relieve migraines circulated. “The daith piercing/migraine misconception dates back to an ill-researched viral article, sporting credulous claims that a daith piercing will help with migraine relief,” recalls Johnny Pearceof Nine Moons Piercing, professional piercer of 11 years. “This sparked a wave of daith piercing inquiries, sometimes even at the recommendations of their local physician. It’s not just the general public who fell prey to this trending piercing being rebranded as an ‘alternative therapy,’ I’ve had clients show up with actual doctor notes.”  It is understandable that a piercing could be equated to migraine relief when you think about acupuncture, which involves insertion of tiny needles into specific points to relieve a number of ailments. However, Pearce reminds the public that piercings are not a medical treatment—in advertisement or in practice—and are instead an art of adornment.

Do daith piercings provide migraine relief?

If someone gets a daith piercing and does feel migraine relief, there is a good chance that it is a placebo effect. There are no studies that confirm daith piercing as a proven treatment option. A 2017 case study, published in Frontiers in Neurology, followed a 54-year-old male patient who found relief from migraines after getting a daith piercing, but the authors do note the placebo effect cannot be ruled out.  If it does help, it is the stimulus applied to the trigeminal and vagal areas of the ear that is speculated to ease pain; however, more studies are needed and called for in this case study to determine anything beyond placebo effect for daith piercing to serve as a recommended treatment option for migraines. “It hasn’t been studied systematically to determine if the benefit from the daith piercing is solely a placebo effect,” confirms Dr. Ahmed.

What are some migraine treatment options?

While daith piercing may not be a proven treatment option for migraines, there are treatment options that are recommended. Dr. Ahmed says at home, you can take migraine medication and avoid triggers such as light, sound and even certain foods. Additionally, having a consistent routine is helpful.  “Patients should not lose hope,” adds Dr. Ahmed. “The most effective approach towards treating headaches involves a multidisciplinary approach; for patients with severe or frequent headaches this might include combining non-pharmacological interventions, lifestyle changes and medications.”  For patients who would also like to try functional medicine, it is supported by the medical literature. In fact, one study found evidence of acupuncture being “at least as effective as prophylactic drug treatment” for treatment of acute migraines.

What is the difference between a daith piercing and acupuncture?

Dr. Keith Bell, DACM, LAc, a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, clinical director and founder of Oriental Medicine Specialists explains it best when he notes that acupuncture is based on the Chinese medicine model that piercing does not have the same ties to. While some acupuncture for migraines will involve placing needles in the ears, every patient is different and thus, treatment will vary.  “Because acupuncture is a modality and based on a whole system of medicine, you have to diagnose the individual,” notes Dr. Bell. “We can see 20 people with migraines a day and all may have a different reason they are experiencing pain; therefore, all 20 have a different treatment plan.” Dr. Bell adds that often acupuncture is just one modality used in treatment and sometimes, other things such as diet and lifestyle will be addressed. The number of treatments will vary based on the cause of pain (Dr. Bell gives the example that hormonal causes of migraines can have a faster response than stress).  That all being said, Dr. Bell summarizes that acupuncture is different than piercing in that it:

Releases endorphinsChanges the area of the brain that perceives painChanges then in the fascial system—the fascia have electrical impulses—to reduce pain

Should you get a daith piercing to help with migraine relief? 

Pearce acknowledges that this is a personal decision. However, there is currently no evidence to support that a daith piercing is suitable migraine treatment and piercers do not acknowledge it as such. 

What can you expect when getting a daith piercing?

As with all piercings, a daith piercing should be done by a professional who will use proper tools and uphold proper sanitation standards (this is why Pearce and Nine Moons Piercing does not allow clients to bring in their own jewelry for piercings). This piercing, which again, is most often a hoop that hugs the innermost cartilage fold of the ear and takes 6-9 months to fully heal after piercing (though Pearce admits this can vary by person).  “Be prepared to sacrifice all use of in-ear headphones—like AirPods—during the entirety of the healing process,” adds Pearce. “Some jobs require the use of inner-ear instruments such as stethoscopes and earplugs, both of which can prove to be quite traumatic to a new daith piercing. Daith piercings, like all new piercings, are best to be left alone while they heal.” Pearce notes the following to help the daith piercing heal:

Do NOT touch, twist or handle your piercing or jewelry at all during the healing process.Rinse your new daith piercing daily (either in the shower or by using a sterile saline spray found in the first aid section of your local pharmacy). Maintain a healthy diet, stay hydrated and get adequate rest.Schedule a check-up with your piercer so they can check on healing and make jewelry adjustments as needed. 

As with any piercing, you can expect tenderness to the area. However, if you feel extreme pain or suspect infection, notify your piercer and seek medical attention as needed. Next up, here’s what to know if you’re considering getting Botox for migraines. 


American Migraine Foundation, “What Causes Migraine”Canadian Medical Association Journal, Molsberger A. (2012), 184(4), 391–392. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.112032. “The role of acupuncture in the treatment of migraine.”Frontiers in neurology, Cascio Rizzo, A. et al., vol. 8 624. 27 Nov. 2017, doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00624. ““Daith Piercing in a Case of Chronic Migraine: A Possible Vagal Modulation.”Headache, Durham, P., vol. 46 Suppl 1,Suppl 1 (2006): S3-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4610.2006.00483.x. “Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and migraine.”Johnny Pearce of Nine Moons PiercingDr. Keith Bell, DACM, LAc, a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, clinical director and founder of Oriental Medicine SpecialistsMigraine Research Foundation, “Migraine Facts.”National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), “Migraine Information Page.”The Point Journal of Body Piercing, “Point 80: Piercing: Erik Dakota.”Dr. Zubair Ahmed, MD, a neurologist at Cleveland Clinic Daith Piercing for Migraines  Does it Help With Headaches  - 19