A new study published in Current Biology suggests that your pup may get so excited to see you after periods of separation that their eyes literally well with tears of joy. Takefumi Kikusui, a researcher at Azabu University in Japan, first hypothesized that oxytocin might increase tear production when one of his standard poodles was nursing her puppies and he noticed that her eyes looked teary. Oxytocin is known as a maternal or love hormone, and researchers knew from previous observations that oxytocin is released in dogs (as well as their humans) when they interact, leading Kikusui and his team to run a reunification experiment. When the oxytocin solution was applied to dogs’ eyes, the volume of tears increased, which led to a link between happiness and quantity of tears. The researchers also measured the amount of tears produced prior to seeing their owners and after reuniting with a variety of people.  “We found that dogs shed tears associated with positive emotions,” Kikusui was quoted stating in a press release. “We also made the discovery of oxytocin as a possible mechanism underlying it.” The findings came as a surprise to the researchers. “We had never heard of the discovery that animals shed tears in joyful situations, such as reuniting with their owners, and we were all excited that this would be a world first!” Kikusui said. The team hopes to also study if dogs produce tears in response to more negative emotions, as well as whether or not they produce tears when reuniting with other dogs. For now, the science seems clear—our canine companions definitely love us as much as we love them, and are overwhelmingly overjoyed to reunite with their people.  More News: The Most Over-the-Top Hotel & Home Rental Experiences for Pampered Pets Around the World Krispy Kreme Selling Doggie Doughnuts for a Limited Time Dog-Lovers Paradise: Survey Finds the Best 5 Cities for Pups and Their Owners