So what is elderberry syrup, exactly? Is it as effective as some of the more widely accepted flu fighters, like Tamiflu or the flu shot? If you’re wondering about these questions and more, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got the 411 on everything you need to know—plus an elderberry syrup recipe.

What is elderberry?

Elderberries are dark purple berries that grow on the European Elder tree, also called Sambucus Nigra. Medicinal use of the elderberry has been traced all the way back to ancient Egypt. In the U.S., Native American tribes have been using the berries for everything from sinusitis to rheumatoid arthritis. Though toxic if eaten raw, elderberries can be baked into pies, blended into tasty juices or made into a syrup. Today, most people who use elderberry for health purposes consume it either in syrup form, or as gummies, both of which promise to boost immunity and fend off illness.

Is elderberry effective at fighting the flu?

Studies show that regular use of elderberry at the recommended dose (more on that later) can in fact reduce the severity of flu and perhaps even shorten its duration. A 2000 study conducted by the Department of Virology at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem found that elderberry given to patients suffering from both flu A and B led to a 4-day reduction in duration of their symptoms. The study concluded that elderberry extract seems to offer an efficient, safe and cost-effective treatment for influenza. And when it comes to natural flu remedies, elderberry is definitely one of the most popular. That’s because it’s chock-full of helpful antioxidants and vitamin C, two key flu fighters, says Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN and founder of Real Nutrition. “It also has antibacterial properties and has been shown to boost the immune system by supporting the increase in white blood cells,” she continues. It’s important to remember that this doesn’t mean that elderberry can prevent you from getting the flu, or even cure it once you’ve gotten the virus. But if you act fast, this powerful supplement can make your flu experience much less miserable. And acting fast is essential, says Dana Remedios, RHN, RNCP, NNCP for Flora, a fourth-generation, family-owned health and wellness company that produces organic, sustainably-sourced, non-GMO vitamins and supplements. “The sooner you take it, the better your chance to stop the viral spread. If you keep it on hand, and take it at the first sign of infection, or when you see those around you getting ill, you will limit the spread of the virus and your immune system can deal with the flu more easily without getting overwhelmed. This can prevent some cases of flu, and reduce the effects of others, so that the severity of the symptoms and the time required to recover from the illness is greatly reduced.”

Elderberry can’t replace a flu shot

So does all this encouraging research mean that you can skip that no-fun yearly needle poke at the doctor’s office when flu shots become available? The answer is no, says Dr. Amesh A. Adalja, MD, Senior Scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. He notes, “The flu vaccine is the best means to protect yourself against the flu virus. It’s important to remember that the touted use of elderberry is not for influenza prevention, but treatment. You should get the flu shot regardless of your intention to use elderberry as a treatment for the flu.” And while he’s in support of using elderberry as a treatment for the flu, his concern lies in the fact that it may discourage flu sufferers from seeking prescription antiviral treatments like Tamiflu in time. “Ideally, antiviral treatment should be initiated as soon as symptoms appear, but a 48-hour window for otherwise healthy people is ideal in order to [recognize the full] benefit.”

Choosing the best elderberry syrup

Scan the supplements aisle of any health-food store or supermarket and you’ll no doubt see tons of different brands of elderberry extract for sale, in both liquid and gummy form. So how do you choose the best one? “When selecting an elderberry product, always go with brands you know and trust,” says Shapiro. “Choose a product that’s been third-party tested. Look at the ingredients, see if anything has been mixed in, and if so, whether it makes sense. Finally, always look at the sugar content. You don’t want excessive sweeteners or sugars used.” Two products she recommends? Gaia Herbs, which includes acerola cherry for added antioxidant power, and Garden of Life, which was co-created by Alicia Silverstone, and uses tapioca flour as a sweetener rather than sugar.

Making elderberry at home

Looking to save a few dollars on your quest to stay healthy? Consider making your own elderberry syrup at home! With most store-bought brands setting you back at least $2 per ounce, making elderberry syrup at home can be a great money saver. We’ve included a recipe you can try, courtesy of Kathy Sadowski, MS, Registered Aromatherapist, but first, a few notes of caution:

As mentioned above, elderberry should never be consumed in its raw form. That’s because it contains a compound called sambunigrin which is a cyanide compound. Yikes!Elderberry has not yet been proven safe for use during pregnancy.If you suffer from an autoimmune disease or take a prescription diuretic, you should avoid taking elderberry, or consult with your physician prior to using it.It’s important to adhere to the dosing guidelines for the specific elderberry syrup recipe you’re using, since they can differ widely, which affects the concentration of the syrup.

Elderberry syrup recipe

Dosage: For adults, 1 Tbsp up to 3 times a day for 5 days. Consult your doctor with concerns, or if symptoms worsen or persist. This formulation is not intended for children. In conclusion, it seems that current research supports the addition of elderberry syrup to your medicine cabinet. And while it may not cure or fully prevent the flu in all cases, it’s a great way to boost your immunity and ward off some of the nasty germs that start swirling as soon as the thermometer drops outside.  Check out these other ways to boost your immunity during flu season.


Dana Remedios, RHN, RNCP, NNCP for FloraAmy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN and founder of Real NutritionDr. Amesh A. Adalja, MD, Senior Scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Elderberry Syrup for Flu  What is It and How to Use It  - 90