Even in non-election years, politics are often divisive, meaning that there are a specific set of stressors that arise with every election. “An election does not only represent monumental change, but also emphasizes the divide in our country,” explains Rachel Hoffman, PhD, Head of Therapy at Real. “Depending on your gender, sexual orientation, race and/or ethnicity, the outcome of an election could impact your rights and freedoms. Additionally, whenever there is tension in the environment, tension in the media, or tension amongst family and friends, it can create anxiety.” Christine Deschemin, certified hypnotherapist, CEO of Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy Centre and creator of UpNow reminds us that surveys have showed that the United States was already one of the most stressed out countries prior to the pandemic. And now, we’re more stressed out than ever. Everyone’s anxiety presents differently, but according to Dr. Tara Swart, MD, PhD, a neuroscientist, executive advisor, senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management and author of The Source, you may be experiencing one or more of the following:

StressInsomniaDifficulty concentratingChange in appetite (including comfort eating or loss of appetite)Change in libido Higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol (regulates the “fight or flight” response).

If you are feeling increased anxiety due to the upcoming election, you aren’t alone—and there are some unparalleled yet common presidential election stressors this year. We talked to the experts to find out how to manage anxiety in the coming weeks, especially with voting already underway. 

If you have anxiety when researching the ballot…

Being an informed voter takes work. Beyond just knowing who your choice is for president or which party you choose to be affiliated with, there are propositions to read up on and much more that goes into researching the ballot. Choosing who and what you will vote for is an extensive and time-consuming process that can lead to anxiety very quickly.   Hoffman likens this to heading to the grocery store to buy milk. There are so many choices—whole, skim, almond and more—that it can feel overwhelming. Of course, you have to make a choice or your daily life will be greatly impacted, but this “paradox of choice” is what causes anxiety.  “You don’t have to [research everything] all at one time,” Hoffman advises. “You can research one candidate and then pause and come back and look again. Just like with the milk metaphor, if you researched ahead of time which milk you want, the reviews of the milk and what each milk option would cost you, you would feel less overwhelmed by the time you got to the grocery store.”

If you have anxiety when talking about the election…

Higher levels of anxiety can impact how you approach social situations and talking about the election can add to that (especially when talking to others with opposing views). While you can’t control the belief systems of others, you can control your response, and that is what Deschemin encourages you to focus on. Some people choose not to talk about politics or the election altogether. But playing out how you will react to specific conversations—almost like a script—can help you prepare, helping to alleviate some anxiety.  “Think about the most likely scenarios and how you will react. What will you do if someone starts talking politics? Will you choose to steer the conversation in a different way? Remind the person of your choices and why it is good for the two of you? Will you leave? There are many more options,” notes Deschemin. “Think about the pros and cons for each one of them. You can then have a series of options you can choose from depending on the situation.”

If you have anxiety that friends and family don’t share your values…

It is not uncommon to have differing viewpoints with friends, family or neighbors; there are often a lot of feelings behind that, whether it’s anger, betrayal, confusion, apathy or something else. First, recognize that emotions are complex and you’re allowed to feel the way you feel. Hoffman says if you do find you have different value and belief systems as others, you have two acceptable choices.  “Depending on the specific election and what values they may hold, you might choose to distance yourself from them. Potentially these values conflict so heavily with your belief system that you can’t fathom continuing that close of a relationship to them. In that case, it is acceptable to create a boundary, perhaps until some time has passed and/or you are able to have an honest and meaningful conversation with them about it,” she says. “In other situations, the values might differ, but you can understand and appreciate their viewpoints. Regardless, if there is a close relationship, then it’s important to have a conversation with them to show respect and honor the relationship that you have.”  

If you have anxiety surrounding the current news cycle…

The news cycle operates 24 hours, whether you are equipped to handle the influx or not. If you are feeling anxious by the sheer volume and weight of the news, Deschemin recommends managing your relationship with the media. This doesn’t mean that you don’t want to be informed, but it does mean you don’t have to be available to check every news alert that comes to your phone the second it pops up. “Regain control of how much news you receive and how often,” Deschemin offers. “Switch off the notifications on your phone and decide in advance when you will check the news. Make sure that the people around you are aware of your choices. Unless you are directly involved in campaigning, you should stay away from the 24 hours news cycle.” Again, this isn’t about being uninformed; it is important to note that it is a privilege to be able to distance yourself from news about basic human rights and lives, especially if they aren’t reflective of your life. However, technology has made it possible for us to be accessible every minute of the day, and in order to mitigate anxiety, you may need to choose to unplug for a period of each day.

If you have anxiety about long lines at the polls…

Loss of time due to long lines at the polls can give people anxiety, especially now, as it involves being around other people during COVID, RSV, and flu season. If you have the opportunity, voting by mail is a good solution. If being in a crowd gives you a bit of panic, there are ways you can best prepare.  “Wearing a mask, keeping outdoors as much as possible and limiting the time that you are around other people will all help,” shares Swart. “As we are now a number of months into social distancing, there are now better safeguards to keep crowds as safe as possible, so working with the organizers to keep distance will benefit everyone. Try not to bring children or other companions, if possible, unless they are also voting, to limit numbers.” Next up, get inspired by some key voices reminding us why it is so important to vote.


Rachel Hoffman, PhD, Head of Therapy at RealChristine Deschemin, certified hypnotherapist and CEO of Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy CentreTara Swart, MD, PhD, neuroscientist, executive advisor, senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management and author of The SourceGallup: Americans’ Stress, Worry and Anger Intensified in 2018 Election Anxiety  What to Do If You re Feeling Anxious - 90