Pole fitness has become more popular over the past few years. Patricia Yndigoyen, general manager at Body & Pole in New York City, credits Cirque du Soleil incorporating pole movements into their shows, Jennifer Lopez pole dancing at the 2020 Super Bowl halftime show, and, of course, J. Lo’s 2019 film Hustlers for pushing the activity more into the mainstream.  “Before, it was very underground,” said Yndigoyen, who has been pole dancing for 11 years. “Now, it’s not so dark and secretive.”  There are tens of thousands of pole fitness videos on YouTube, and the hashtag #polefitness has been used nearly 5 million times on Instagram. There are competitions all over the world, and the International Pole Sports Federation is trying to make pole fitness an Olympic sport. “Pole dancing these days has become such a mainstream form of fitness that when someone tells me or anyone else in my circle, ‘Oh, I’m going to go to the gym,’ I just assume it’s the pole studio,” says Fawnia Mondey, owner of Pole Fitness Studio in Las Vegas, and more people even have poles in their homes. “It’s just so much fun.”  Curious about giving pole fitness a try? We asked Yndigoyen and Mondey to explain what pole fitness is, its benefits and what beginners should know. 

What exactly is pole fitness?

Pole fitness is a full-body workout that combines choreographed routines and acrobatics using a vertical pole. It’s challenging, but fun, says Mondey, who’s been teaching pole dancing since 1994.  “It’s a way to work out and a way to express yourself,” she adds. “It’s an excellent workout both from a cardiovascular perspective and aerobically for muscle building. It’s great for your heart, great for your muscles and your bones, and great for flexibility.”  Yndigoyen considers pole fitness a sport and art form. She says she never left after trying her first class and curiosity often inspires people to take up pole fitness.  “They see people who look so strong and sexy and want to do it,” she says. “That’s how people start, and then they realize it’s more than that. It’s a sport. You learn new moves, you meet a community, you make new friends.” 

What are the benefits of pole fitness?

Cardio health, strength and flexibility are the biggest fitness benefits of pole workouts, Yndigoyen says. And, the more you practice and advance, the more intense the benefits.  “You’re using your arms, your glutes,” she explains. “The more you practice, the more body parts you start using. It’s a whole-body workout.”  Pole fitness enthusiasts build upper body strength because you need to hold yourself up on the pole, Mondey says. Many of the moves, like lifting your knees up while suspended on the pole, help develop core strength, which is needed to perform most of the advanced moves. “Being able to repeatedly do the moves on the right side and then the left side and climb the pole and all of it with a smile and pointed toes, you can believe your heart will be racing,” she says.  Taking pole fitness classes also motivates people to cross-train by taking yoga or other strength-training classes to improve on the pole, Mondey adds.  

Who can do pole fitness?

Though the moves may look intimidating, Yndigoyen says you don’t need any dance or gymnastics training. Anyone of any age, size, or fitness level can do pole fitness.  Moves can be modified so that anyone can perform them safely. Mondey suggests letting your instructor know if you have a previous injury or need a modification, and encourages anyone who’s pregnant to get clearance from their doctor before doing a workout.

What to expect from a pole fitness class

Beginners typically learn a handful of pole fitness moves and transitions, including walking around the pole, a basic spin, a back arch, and backslide, and some moves are done on the floor, Mondey says.  Most classes are done barefoot, but you can wear socks with grips. As you advance, you can wear “stripper heels,” Yndigoyen says, and wearing shorts and a tank top or sports bra is best. Direct skin contact with the pole will help you stick, and avoid lotions or body oils that could cause you to slip. Otherwise, Mondey says, “Keep an open mind, just show up and don’t overthink it.” If you’re buying a pole for at-home workouts, she recommends purchasing from a reputable place, like X-Pole, Lil’ Mynx, and Lupit Pole, and having it installed professionally. “If you’re shy, there’s no judgment,” Yndigoyen adds. “Don’t compare yourself to others. We all come from different backgrounds. Everyone has their own journey. But, people come back, and they get addicted.”  Next, read about the best ab exercises for women. 


Fawnia Mondey, owner of Pole Fitness StudioPatricia Yndigoyen, general manager Body & Pole NPR: Pole Dancing Made It To The Super Bowl. Now It Wants Another Stage: The Olympics Everything You Need to Know About Pole Fitness - 87