If you’re on a quest for vibrant, dewy skin, you’ve likely been told to double down on vitamin E. It’s a nutrient dermatologists regularly preach the importance of. But knowing exactly how it benefits the skin and the best ways to reap these benefits isn’t so straightforward. For example, will eating vitamin E-rich foods yield the same results as applying vitamin E-containing topical products? And who exactly should be prioritizing vitamin E anyway? You’ve come to the right place for answers. Here, dermatologists answer these questions and more.

What vitamin E is and where you’ll find it

Let’s start with the basics of what exactly vitamin E is. “Vitamin E is a group of oil-soluble antioxidants commonly found in skincare products to protect the skin from oxidative stress,” says New York City-based dermatologist Dr. Michele Green, MD. Dr. Green explains that there are eight different types of vitamin E that occur naturally, two of which are most commonly found in skincare products: tocopherol and tocopheryl acetate. “There are different variations within the forms found in skincare products, such as d-alpha-tocopherol acetate, dl-alpha tocopherol, and dl-alpha tocopherol acetate. The ‘d’ indicates that the product is derived from natural sources, whereas the ‘dl’ indicates that the vitamin was created synthetically,” Dr. Green says. New York City-based dermatologistDr. Michelle Henry, MD, says the reason why alpha-tocopherol acetate is so commonly used in skincare products is because it’s the most active, is insoluble in water, and provides the most efficient antioxidant properties to the skin. While you’ll see vitamin E listed in many skincare products, another place you’ll find it is in your fridge and pantry; there are many foods that contain it too. “Vitamin E can be found in plant-based oils, fruits, vegetables, and seeds,” Dr. Henry says. “Almonds, pumpkin, mangoes, avocados, and collard greens are just some of the foods that are great sources of Vitamin E.”

What are the skin benefits of vitamin E?

Both experts say that the major reason why vitamin E benefits the skin is because it’s an antioxidant. (This gives it benefits that extend beyond skin health, such as helping to protect the body against chronic diseases.) “Antioxidants are substances that protect the inner and outer skin from free radical damage and oxidative stress,” Dr. Green says. “Oxidative stress is caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons that react with other molecules to stabilize.” She explains that this triggers a chain reaction that damages healthy skin cells. Dr. Green says that oxidative stress is caused by sun exposure, smoking, and environmental pollution. The antioxidants in vitamin E help protect against this. “Antioxidants help the skin fight free radical damage and provide protection from sun damage, correct signs of aging, reduce inflammation, brighten the skin, and aid in cellular repair,” she says. In addition to helping protect and undo the damage caused by oxidative stress, vitamin E also helps hydrate the skin. It does this by helping to increase the water content in the outer layer of the skin. This is why you may have heard that vitamin E can help skin look dewy. Clearly, vitamin E is highly beneficial for the skin. But the question remains of the best way to reap these benefits.

How to get the maximum skin benefits from vitamin E

Should you eat your vitamin E or slather it on your skin? According to the experts, it’s best to do both. It’s important to remember that vitamin E isn’t only good for the skin; it benefits the entire body. “When consumed, vitamin E acts as an antioxidant to enhance immune function and prevent clotting in the arteries,” Dr. Green says. In other words, consuming vitamin E is going to do more for the body in terms of immune support and protecting against disease than using a skincare product that contains it. This is because the skin acts as a barrier. While this is hugely important in keeping out substances that can harm the body, it also prevents vitamin E from breaking through the skin barrier to be carried through the rest of the body. The reason why the experts say topical products with vitamin E still come in handy is because they do a better job of protecting the skin specifically. “[Consuming] vitamin E may not provide adequate protection for the skin, but topical vitamin E has found to be effective in photoprotection,” Dr. Green says. If you’re after vitamin E’s hydrating, dewy effect, this is another way topicals can come in handy since it hydrates the outer layer of the skin. While most people can benefit from skincare products with vitamin E, Dr. Henry says that, as with any topical product, there’s always a risk of irritation. For this reason, it’s best to start by applying a very small amount to one area of the skin before slathering it all over. She also says vitamin E may not be advisable for people with extremely sensitive or acne-prone skin. When in doubt, it’s always best to check with a derm if a topical vitamin E product is right for you. To get the maximum benefits from vitamin E, Dr. Green recommends pairing it with vitamin C and ferulic acid, so look for them on the ingredients list too. “When vitamin E stabilizes a free radical, vitamin C helps to regenerate the vitamin E molecule,” she explains. “Vitamin C works superficially as an antioxidant, while vitamin E, due to its solubility in oil, penetrates deeper into the skin to deliver antioxidant benefits.” As for ferulic acid, she says this is helpful because it’s been shown to improve the stability of vitamin E and C, which in turn makes it more effective. While some skincare ingredients are hyped up, what’s clear is that vitamin E isn’t one of them. Integrating a product with vitamin E into your skincare routine will help protect your skin from oxidative stress as well as provide hydration. No wonder derms are so into it. Next up, learn the six essential skincare routine steps to do every morning and every night.


Dr. Michele Green, MD, Yale graduate and board-certified cosmetic dermatologist based in New York CityDr. Michelle Henry, MD, board-certified dermatologist and Harvard-trained Mohs surgeon based in New York City Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin E  and How It Benefits Your Skin  - 68