The news came out shortly after 2 p.m. ET on Saturday, August 20, about the actor’s Friday arrest. “A California man is facing sexual offense charges stemming from incidents occurring at the annual Monster-Mania Convention hosted by the Doubletree Hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey,” the department wrote in the first of a series of five tweets. The Monster-Mania Convention is a semi-annual con for horror fans that also holds events in Hunt Valley, Maryland, and Oaks, Pennsylvania. Busey is known for horror films like Sharknado 4, Silver Bullet, and Predator 2, among others. The information for this year’s NJ engagement, which was held August 12-August 14, is no longer live on the convention’s website, but the Associated Press reports that Busey was scheduled as a featured guest for all three days of the weekend. Cherry Hill PD reported that sometime during that weekend, officers responded to the Doubletree Hotel after receiving reports of a sex offense. Details about the report have not been released, but as a result of their investigation so far, Busey—who resides in Malibu, California—was arrested and charged with two counts of Criminal Sexual Contact in the 4th Degree, one count of Criminal Attempt/Criminal Sexual Contact in the 4th Degree, and one count of harassment, which is a disorderly person offense, according to the statement. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, Criminal Sexual Contact in the 4th Degree in the state of New Jersey is defined by any of the following circumstances: • The perpetrator uses physical force or coercion but does not seriously injure the victim.  • The victim is on probation or parole or is otherwise detained in a setting where the perpetrator has supervisory or disciplinary power over them. • The victim is between 16 and 18 years old, and the perpetrator is blood-related, a legal guardian, or has supervisory or disciplinary power over them.  • The victim is between 13 and 16 years old, and the perpetrator is at least four years older. • The victim is a student between 18 and 22 years old without a high school diploma and the perpetrator is working within the school with supervisory or disciplinary power over them.  Each conviction carries a sentence of up to 18 months in prison.  On Saturday, August 13, one attendee noted on Twitter that there was an unconfirmed rumor floating around the convention that Busey had been removed from the event for getting “touchy freely” with female guests. Some responses to the tweet suggest that Busey was permitted back after the fact, but one user said, “yup and they’re taking legal action. Stay tuned.” Cherry Hill PD said that the investigation is still ongoing, and they welcome anybody who may have related information to contact them.  More News: • Chipotle Calls Out Drink Thieves With Lemonade-Scented Candle in a Water Cup • Bethenny Frankel Says We Need ‘an Intermission From the Kardashians’ • Patrick Swayze’s Wife Says He Wouldn’t Have Done the ‘Dirty Dancing’ Sequel