Long before I received my diagnosis of hepatitis C, I had already become aware of the condition. Around the time of 2008, my mom was battling cancer, and unfortunately picked up hepatitis C during one of her many hospital stays. While receiving treatment for cancer-related issues, the doctor of her ward was also using patient needles and ended up infecting her with this serious condition. While she was able to receive treatment within the six-month time frame and clear it from her system, we would later learn about its lasting impact on our family. About seven years laters, as a sophomore in high school, I tried to donate blood only to be rejected. They told me that my blood contained hepatitis C antibodies, indicating that my body had been exposed to the virus, but had fought it off. So while I was sad to not be able to donate, at least I could be rest assured that I had the antibodies and was in the clear. Or so I thought. For the three years that followed this time, I would develop increasingly severe health complications that started to have a drastic impact on my quality of life. I went from doctor to doctor, blood test after blood test, only to end up right back at the start, frustrated and confused with no answer in sight. During this time, I decided to take my wellness into my own hands and do whatever possible to feel better. I got on social media, listened to podcasts and read everything I could on how to optimize my health and combat these mystery symptoms. And while it helped a bit, I was ultimately feeling very unwell in both my physical body and mental landscape as well.

Finding Answers

About four years into this mysterious health battle, I found myself discussing the situation with the husband of a newfound friend of mine. He was a dermatologist, so I didn’t think he could truly help me with this internalized issue. But alas, he was the one to uncover it all. After listening to my symptoms, my backstory, and reviewing years worth of blood work, he prompted me to get tested for hepatitis C once again. His concern was that my body didn’t actually have the antibodies and that I was in fact infected with the virus from so long ago. The symptoms I experienced leading up to my diagnosis included extreme fatigue (like falling asleep midday and even while driving), insomnia, rapid weight loss, food allergies, memory loss, brain fog, stiff joints, cystic acne, yellowing skin, constant dark circles, brittle hair and nails, and more. A few weeks later, I was sitting in the same office, with the same doctor who treated my mom, receiving my own diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C. According to my blood tests, my levels were at the 11 million mark, with a normal range being around 15–indicating that my body had been fighting this virus for a long time and it had settled in as an otherwise chronic condition. I felt my heart break at this news. It was something I never expected. The weeks to follow would be filled with complicated emotions as I swung from despair to grief to shame and so forth, feeling the societal stigma of such a condition as well as the fear of what it meant for my future. It was a double-edged sword–to have the relief of an answer yet the weight of what it could mean for my life. Thankfully, we live in such times of evolutionary medicine that chronic hepatitis C can be treated. Unlike before when any case over 6 months time was nearly irreversible, people like me now have hope. The only downside? The financial burden and duration of this miracle treatment. I was one of the “lucky ones” that got prescribed the shortest treatment dosage (about 8 months) and it still would cost about $40,000. Thankfully, my dad was able to support me through it, and months later I was deemed “Hep C clear.” It was a whirlwind of an experience. A majority of my life-altering symptoms would fade away with the virus leaving my body. However, many internalized systems were impacted by the havoc of hepatitis C. To this day, I still struggle with hormonal, digestive and cognitive issues that I attribute to those years. As a hepatitis C survivor, I currently struggle with rebalancing my hormones from years of constant stress on the body, digestive issues from inflammation and malabsorption in the gut, as well as continued brain fog and memory issues. Four things that have helped me most post-hepatitis C include both physical and mental health habits. These include: 

Meditation and stress relieving techniques

  These include things such as journaling or breathwork, and have been huge with helping to lower my stress levels. After fighting the virus for so long, my body (and mind) needed to learn how to calm down and not be in constant fight mode. These types of practices help me get grounded in my body and cue my systems that it’s safe to function and work properly with no virus coming in to wreak havoc.

Diet adjustments

Finding foods that work best with my body has been a game changer for digestion and energy levels. After being so depleted for all those years, it took time to rebuild my body mass and muscle with foods that fuel me. I eat the majority of foods, and don’t like labeling things as “good” or “bad”—it’s more about finding what does and doesn’t work for your body. I now know how to eat for adequate energy, optimal digestion, and also for enjoyment because that’s important too.

Intuitive movement

Intuitive movement has been another game-changer for me for energy and body peace. I used to push myself through high-intensity workouts and run 24/7 because I thought that was the only way to go. I also lived for the dopamine spike after a workout because I otherwise had zero energy. What I’ve learned these last few years however is that my body responds best to low-impact and strength workouts. This keeps my stress levels from spiking with cortisol, is better on my joints, and helps me stay consistent by enjoying my workouts.

Massages and acupuncture

Incorporating bodywork such as massages or acupuncture is amazing (if you’re able to accommodate it). Both techniques differ in structure but give a similar result of helping the body and mind to relax and rejuvenate. I’ve experienced great results in regulating my period, improved digestion, and overall mental clarity after incorporating massages and/or acupuncture into my monthly routine. My last bit of advice to others dealing with their own hepatitis C journey would be to ask for and accept support. I struggled immensely with letting others know when I needed support, and even more so to accept it. At the end of the day though, any and all support will only help you. Whether it’s in a physical, mental or emotional way, there’s no need to do this all alone!