It’s officially cold, flu, and RSV season, and we’re all still stuck inside avoiding the chilly weather and trying to avoid getting COVID, the flu, and of course, the common cold. While no one likes getting sick, colds are particularly frustrating. You don’t always feel terrible, but it feels like that congestion-cough-sniffle combination goes on forever. But how long should we reasonably expect a cold to last? talked with doctors—here’s their take on exactly how much longer you’ll be blowing your nose for, so grab that box of tissues and settle in for an important read.

How Long Does a Cold Last?

Starting at first sniffle, the lifespan of the common cold is about five to 10 days, according to Dr. Cory Fisher, MD, a family medicine physician at the Cleveland Clinic. As for how long you’ll experience symptoms, well … that might last a lot longer. “Some of the symptoms (like a dry cough) can last up to 8 weeks,” Dr. Fisher notes.  Dr. Allison Edwards, MD, doctor at Kansas City Direct Primary Care and medical advisor at Sesame notes that a lingering cough isn’t necessarily a sign that you need to worry. “Your body may just need a little more time to heal,” she explains.  In terms of symptoms you’ll probably experience in the height of your cold, “Early on, you can expect a scratchy throat, low grade fever and a stuffy or drippy nose,” says Dr. Fisher. “The fever typically lasts only two to three days.  A cough usually begins around this time and can linger for a few weeks.  Other symptoms can include fatigue, body aches, joint pains, headaches and occasionally a rash.” Dr. Edwards adds that symptoms do vary quite a bit, and it’s rare for people to develop a high fever if they only have a cold. “Some people will get through a cold with just a runny nose, while others will develop body aches and a deep cough,” she says. 

How Long is a Cold Contagious?

Thanks to COVID, we’ve all learned quite a bit about the importance of isolating from loved ones while we have a contagious virus. So, how long can we expect to be contagious with the cold? “Patients are most contagious in the first few days of infection, especially if they still have a fever,” says Dr. Fisher. “While the chances of passing to others does decrease as the infection resolves, any time you have symptoms, it’s possible to pass it on. Because of that, I would recommend keeping your distance from others, washing your hands, avoiding touching your nose and mouth and covering your cough.”

What You Can Do While You Have a Cold

Colds can be tricky, because you don’t always feel that bad—and they’re especially tricky in the later stages, when you may have a lingering cough but otherwise feel fine. So how much should we limit our activity when you have a cold? “I would recommend staying home when feeling ill,” says Dr. Fisher. “While a cold is generally self-limited and mild, you can develop a complicating infection like sinusitis or pneumonia, which can be much more serious.” Dr. Edwards isn’t fully in agreement with Dr. Fisher’s statement, noting that if you’re feeling mostly fine, it’s OK to mostly go about business as usual as long as you’re not risking infecting others. But the most important thing to do, she says, is listen to your body. “If you decide to exercise, for example, and are struggling to breathe or if you develop chest pain, stop right away and get help,” she says. “What you assumed was a cold may actually be something worse.”

Home Cold Remedies to Try

Unfortunately, there’s no fast fix for the common cold. For the most part, you just have to ride it out and try not to get anyone else sick. But there are things you can do to feel a little better in the meantime. “Lots of water, rest and time are the best cures for the common cold,” says Dr. Fisher. “Many patients will use tea with lemon and honey, which can help soothe a sore throat or cough. Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help with fever and body aches or sore throat.” Dr. Edwards adds that she often jokes that if someone could invent a cure for the common cold, they’d be a hero. “We generally recommend treating symptoms as they occur and focusing on preventative measures, like quitting smoking and keeping lung diseases like asthma under good control,” she says. “Always consult with your doctor before taking any new over-the-counter medicines, but generally ibuprofen or acetaminophen are great for fevers and pain.” She adds that for the most part, you can’t go wrong with a cup of tea. “Save your money and have a hot cup of tea with local honey (if you’re over a year of age,” she says. “Honey actually has some evidence that it may help suppress coughs as well as any other remedy!”


Dr. Cory Fisher, MD, a family medicine physician at the Cleveland ClinicDr. Allison Edwards, MD,doctor at Kansas City Direct Primary Care and medical advisor at Sesame. How Long Does a Cold Last  Duration   Recover Tips - 46