Dermatologists sometimes jokingly refer to hickeys as “passion purpura,” says board-certified dermatologist Ranella Hirsch, “Purpura is just doctor for bruise. And, that’s what it is, effectively, a suction-induced bruise.” Hickeys appear as purple to red, often oval-shaped marks on the skin, explains Jennifer Lucas, a dermatologist at Cleveland Clinic. “The intense suction of the skin is actually breaking small blood vessels in the area that leak blood and lead to a bruise.” People with darker skin are more at risk for hyperpigmentation from hickeys, Hirsch says. Like most bruises, hickeys can take two days to two weeks to heal, Lucas adds, “There is no quick fix to getting rid of a hickey.” Prevention is the best approach. Maybe you’ll remember that next time. But if you’re dealing with one now, you’re probably wondering how to get rid of a hickey fast. Here are some home remedies to try.

How to get rid of a hickey

1. Apply a cold compress

To reduce the swelling of your hickey, apply an ice pack or even the back of the spoon, Hirsch suggests. Just do it as soon as you can after getting a hickey for the best results. “You can continue this for approximately 10 minutes at a time several times daily for the first two days,” says Lucas. “This will decrease swelling and help prevent further bruising.”

2. Alternate with a warm compress

After using a cold compress for a couple of days, start to alternate with heat. A warm compress applied a few times a day could boost circulation to the area of your hickey and help the bruise disappear more quickly.

3. Clean with rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol may help hickeys—this medicine cabinet staple could help disinfect the area if it’s applied right after you get a hickey, particularly if the skin is broken. But it also might dry out and irritate your skin, which could make the hickey worse, so proceed with caution.

4. Use arnica gel or lotion

Arnica is a homeopathic botanical believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, Lucas says, “Arnica topical gel may help speed the resolution of bruising.” Research also shows that arnica can reduce swelling and generally improve the appearance of bruises.

5. Get more vitamin K

Vitamin K deficiency can make you bruise more easily. So make sure you’re eating enough vitamin K-rich foods, like leafy greens and broccoli, Hirsch says. You can also apply topical vitamin K to help get rid of your hickey faster. “Vitamin K is an important co-factor in the body’s clotting system,” Lucas adds.

6. Up your vitamin C intake

Excessive bruising is also a sign of vitamin C deficiency, so try to add more citrus, tomatoes and other vitamin C-rich foods to your diet. Vitamin C also boosts collagen production in the skin and helps guard against UV damage, generally keeping your skin healthy. Applying creams or gels containing vitamin C promotes healthy skin, which could help hickeys heal a little quicker.

7. Moisturize with aloe vera or cocoa butter

These common ingredients in skin care products won’t make your hickey disappear but they might help. Aloe vera contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It’s also anti-inflammatory, which could reduce pain and swelling. Cocoa butter is also known to nourish skin and potentially improve scars and other skin blemishes.

8. Dab on some peppermint oil

Peppermint oil (and even toothpaste) is sometimes considered a hickey home remedy, since it could enhance blood flow to the area. If you want to try it, dilute a few drops in water and gently apply it to the hickey. Just don’t massage the area too hard, Lucas warns, because it could worsen the bruise and irritate the skin, making the hickey worse.

9. Apply comfrey

The roots and leaves of the comfrey shrub have been used for centuries to treat muscle sprains, burns, bruises and inflammation, so it might help hickeys, too. Research shows that applying comfrey topically via a cream or gel may help reduce swelling and improve bruising.

10. Eat pineapple

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which has been shown to speed up the healing of bruises, Hirsch says. Pineapple also contains vitamin C, which is good for your skin. Bromelain can also be applied topically to the skin to reduce inflammation and swelling.

11. Rub the spot with a banana peel

Bananas are good for you in so many ways. Research shows that banana peels have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that are great for the skin. Try gently rubbing the inside of the peel on your hickey a couple of times a day.

12. Use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant. It contains acetic acid, which offers antibacterial and antifungal benefits. This might prevent skin infections, help balance the skin’s pH levels and generally boost your skin’s health.

13. Try CBD oil

CBD oil, or cannabidiol, is popular with wellness enthusiasts and social media influencers, who tout its benefits. CBD offers anti-inflammatory potential, which could improve the appearance of hickeys. Gently massage a drop or two of the oil and repeat for a few days.

14. Avoid aspirin

Aspirin and other over-the-counter pain medicines can thin the blood and increase the likelihood of bruising, Hirsch says. If you’ve taken these medications before you got the hickey, it might appear larger.

15. Cover it with concealer

Since hickeys take time to heal, Lucas says the best approach may be camouflage. “A good makeup and concealer will allow it to heal while being camouflaged,” she adds. “Patience and time are the best remedies for a hickey.” Next, check out this 10-minute makeup guide to look great for your next Zoom call.


Dr. Ranella Hirsch, MD, FAADDr. Jennifer Lucas, MD, dermatologist at Cleveland ClinicJournal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology: “The Management of Bruising following Nonsurgical Cosmetic Treatment"Contemporary Clinical Dentistry:“Detection of antimicrobial activity of banana peel"Springer: “Antibacterial activities and antioxidant capacity of Aloe vera.“Springer: “Comfrey root: from tradition to modern clinical trials.” How to Get Rid Of a Hickey Fast  15 Ways to Remove a Hickey - 48