Studies have found that family support can alleviate symptoms of schizophrenia and even reduce relapses. For example, one 2010 study explains that “people with schizophrenia from families that express high levels of criticism, hostility, or over involvement, have more frequent relapses than people with similar problems from families that tend to be less expressive of emotions.” Instead, the study found that healthy family intervention can actually decrease the frequency of relapse, reduce hospital admission, and encourage medication compliance. Schizophrenia is a disorder that can make it difficult to carry out daily tasks, making it a condition that requires a lot of support. Alyssa Mairanz, LMHC, DBTC, Founder and Clinical Director of Empower Your Mind Therapy, says that these daily hurdles come “with an inability to think clearly and control emotions and behaviors, which can lead to emotional outbursts and problematic behaviors that tend to have consequences.” Mairanz says that oftentimes, people with schizophrenia can’t remember what happened during these outbursts when they’re lucid, creating gaps in memory that are disorienting and create a lot of anxiety. And since those with schizophrenia can come off as distant, unusual, or not emotive, Mairanz says that those with schizophrenia frequently face social challenges. “This can make it very lonely,” she says. Other symptoms may appear disconcerting to those who aren’t aware of a person’s schizophrenia. Randye Kaye, author of Ben Behind His Voices: One Family’s Journey from the Chaos of Schizophrenia to Hope and host of the podcast Schizophrenia: 3 Moms in the Trenches lists some of these traits. They include constant nervousness, a lack of warmth and thoughtfulness in relationships, twitching, and restlessness. “I imagine that it’s like having numerous televisions turned on at the same time,” Kaye says, “each on a different channel, and all equally loud.” She says that it must be so hard to filter out what’s real from what isn’t and it’s likely frightening and confusing to hear, see, or smell things that others don’t. The result is someone who very much needs support from family and close friends, since navigating the views of those in the outside world can be tricky to say the least. If your loved one has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, read on to find out the best ways to offer support.

Stay educated

Knowledge really is power, especially in the case of supporting someone with schizophrenia. “Read up on schizophrenia and educate yourself on what this means and how it affects your loved one,” Mairanz says. “The more you understand the diagnosis and its implication, the better you can relate to your loved one.” Kaye agrees with this approach, saying, “Learn all you can about schizophrenia so that you don’t have unrealistic expectations or inaccurate information.”

Treat them like you would anyone else

Your loved one with schizophrenia still has thoughts, feelings, and strengths, just like anyone else. And that’s why it’s important to treat them as such—it’s an idea that Mairanz embraces. “When on proper medication, schizophrenia can stay in check and the individual can function fully,” she says. “However, with this diagnosis, as well as any mental illness, people often treat them as fragile or sick. In order for your loved one to stay motivated and stick to their treatment plan, it is helpful to act as you normally would with any loved one.” This means doing normal activities, “but set and keep limits as to acceptable behavior and be prepared to enforce them,” Kaye notes.


Listening is one of the best ways to support any family member, whether they have schizophrenia or not. It’s something that’s particularly helpful when it comes to this disorder. “Listen to them, even if they are in psychosis” Kaye emphasizes. “Empathize. Whatever they are feeling and experiencing is real to them.”

Be their advocate

Your loved one may need some assistance with practical matters. According to Kaye, this can include searching for the right psychiatrist and possibly therapist. Kaye stresses the importance of making calls and advocating for your loved one. She also says that it can be helpful to be granted a conservatorship if your loved one isn’t able to make decisions on their own. Kaye says that this will allow you to get information about your loved one’s hospitalizations, partner with medical professionals on information sharing, and help your loved one with financial decisions.

Be mindful of medication compliance

“It is common for someone with schizophrenia to feel they are okay and will be fine to stop taking their medication, and it can also be easy to forget to take it if they are in a phase of disorientation,” Mairanz says. “While some people may like accountability, be careful not to come across as too pushy, as that can be upsetting. Rather than remind them to take their medications, talk to them about their plan to stay medication compliant and collaborate with them on what your role can be to help support.”  

Help them find a purpose

It’s important for everyone to find a purpose in life, whether that’s a job, taking care of a pet, or writing a blog. It’s equally important for those with schizophrenia. “Help them find and serve a purpose,” Kaye says. “This may be helping with family tasks or seeking out volunteer opportunities and employment.” Brainstorm these opportunities with your loved one and provide transportation to these places if needed.

Create fun moments

Some days, supporting someone with a mental health disorder feels anything but light and carefree. That’s why it’s vital to recognize and hang on to those moments of fun. “Keep your sense of humor as much as you can,” Kaye says, “but only when you can laugh with, not laugh at your loved one. Shared humor is a great stabilizer and helps in feeling like allies.” Kaye also recommends finding ways to have fun together, such as playing a board game or watching a favorite movie. “This list will depend on where they are with treatment, but making new, happy memories whenever possible is helpful,” she notes.

Practice empathy

If you don’t have schizophrenia, it may be tough to place yourself in your loved one’s shoes. On some days, it might be difficult, but continuing a sense of empathy will be so helpful in your relationship. Kaye says, “Remember that your relative may be stressed by excess noise and chaos. Imagine what it’s like inside their head. The last time you had a high fever, or woke up from a bad dream, how did you feel?”

Seek your own support

Caregiver stress syndrome is a very real thing, and it’s certainly true of those supporting a loved one with schizophrenia. In fact, according to one 2019 study, caregivers of loved ones with schizophrenia reported a stress score of five, with five being the highest. “It can take a toll having a loved one with schizophrenia, especially if you are a caretaker,” Mairanz says. “When dealing with a schizophrenic episode, they may lash out, be a little more aggressive, or unstable at times. Your loved one can’t control themselves in this instance and patience is key. Having an outlet to take care of your own mental health and seek outside support is important for both of you.”  

Feel empowered to act when necessary

One of your roles as a support for your loved one is to be on the lookout for relapse signs, “and act as quickly as possible,” Kaye says. “Every episode of psychosis can cause brain damage.” This is why it’s important to know when an intervention is needed. Mairanz details a few of these warning signs, which include strange behavior or seeming disoriented or confused. “It is important for someone with schizophrenia to seek support and guidance from their psychiatrist on what interventions are needed for that specific individual,” she adds. Mairanz also says that it’s okay to take action when your loved one is having a psychotic break. She says, “Oftentimes, loved ones feel guilty if they have to reach out to their psychiatrist or if someone has to call 911 or take them to the hospital. There can be fear that the person will be upset with you. However, these episodes are completely chemical, and the person does not have control. A more extreme intervention is what is best for them. This can be made easier by talking to them about their plan and seeking recommendations from their doctors in advance on how you can help in those moments.” Next up, discover 10 of the best movies ever made about mental health.


Alyssa Mairanz, Founder and Clinical Director of Empower Your Mind Therapy in New York City.Randye Kaye, author of Ben Behind His Voices: One Family’s Journey from the Chaos of Schizophrenia to Hopeand host of the podcast Schizophrenia: 3 Moms in the Trenches.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: “Family intervention for schizophrenia”Internal Medicine Journal: “Stress and burden faced by family caregivers of people with schizophrenia and early psychosis in Hong Kong” How to Help Someone With Schizophrenia  - 28