But no more! Nowadays, we know too much about how to make pumpkins last longer to let this go on any further. And with the help of influencers, IG and TikTok have become a treasure trove of pumpkin-preserving information in recent years. Who knew there were so many tips and trips for making pumpkins last longer, look shinier, and ultimately, prevent them from rotting prematurely?

How to Make Pumpkins Last Longer

We can all agree that pumpkins make the perfect spooky decoration come autumn. But because they’re technically a fruit, they are susceptible to mold and rot. They also run out of moisture easily, which can cause them to dry. The best thing you can do to prevent your pumpkin from rotting quickly is to pick a hearty one. If you can feel some soft spots on your pumpkin while you’re still at the patch, put it back. Pumpkins with soft spots are likely to rot more quickly. Want to save your pumpkin from an early croak? Keep reading for the best pumpkin-saving tips and tricks!

Clean your pumpkin from the inside-out

You may not be able to tell from the outside but stick your hand inside your pumpkin and in seconds, you’ll feel all its yucky guts. Those guts? They’re super moist, which makes them susceptible to mold. To extend the life of your pumpkin, clean both the inside and the outside with a mixture of water and bleach—one teaspoon of bleach for each quart of water. Sanitizing your pumpkin with this bleach-water mixture won’t just prevent it from getting moldy quicker, but it will also kill any bacteria lingering on the pumpkin as well.

Remove absolutely all pumpkin guts

No, but really—don’t skimp on this part. Be very thorough about excavating the inside of your pumpkin. After all, as the guts decompose, they’ll attract fruit flies, which can lead to the earlier decaying of your pumpkin. In order to prevent this, remove the guts of your pumpkin as meticulously as possible.

Soak with bleach-water after carving

Um, but you already sanitized your pumpkin with bleach and water, right? Yes, but we’re going to do it again! Once you’re finished carving your creation, submerge it in a mixture of water and 2/3 cup of bleach. You can let it soak in there for up to 24 hours, but ye be warned with this method: You’ll have to apply a water-bleach coating every day.

Spray pumpkins with hair spray

Spraying your jack-o-lantern with hair spray does two really great things. First, it makes it super shiny! There’s something about a glossy pumpkin that’s all the spookier, after all. Second, hair spray is sticky and tastes terrible (we assume!), so spraying your pumpkin down with it will deter any squirrels or chipmunks from gnawing on your decorations.

Rub pumpkins down with vinegar

Historically, people have also given their pumpkins a vinegar rub-down in order to deter animals and to preserve the pumpkin. However, vinegar hasn’t been too successful either. You can certainly try it, but if it doesn’t work at first, we recommend going back to bleach and hair spray.

Spray pumpkins with polyurethane

While it’s certainly not an eco-friendly or non-toxic method of preserving your pumpkin, spraying pumpkins with either polyurethane, shellac or spray adhesive will definitely do the trick. Each of these sprays is literally a preservative, so it will work creepily well in preserving your pumpkin as well as—dare we say—a corpse!

Coat pumpkins with petroleum jelly

Coating your pumpkin’s exterior with petroleum jelly will definitely make the thing shine, but for this method, we recommend coating the interior. Vaseline will work wonders to keep your pumpkin’s flesh from drying excessively.

Seal the pumpkin interior with glue

Yep, Elmer’s white glue will definitely do the trick. Instead of Vaseline, painting the interior of the pumpkin with white glue is an effective alternative. The glue will literally act as a seal, locking in the pumpkin’s natural moisture but not letting it get so moist as to become moldy.

Forego the real, burning candle

Real, burning candles definitely make jack-o-lanterns feel spookier, but the added heat can really take a toll on your pumpkin. Instead, switch to a flameless candle to preserve your pumpkin for longer.

Rub vegetable oil on cut areas

Any exposed, cut-open areas should be rubbed down with vegetable oil. You can do this using a paintbrush or a dry cloth. A vegetable oil seal can help make a pumpkin last longer.

Dose it with acrylic spray

Acrylic spray is a moisture-resistant adhesive that will keep your pumpkin from rotting or getting moldy. Simply spray the adhesive on and it will act as a barrier between the pumpkin and any threat of mold. Plus, a bonus: acrylic spray will also add a glossy shine to your pumpkin’s exterior!

Keep your pumpkin from getting wet

Pumpkins make spook-tacular decorations on the front steps or porch, but when it comes to preserving them, this environment may not be ideal. To keep your pumpkin from rotting, you’ll want to keep it in a dry, cool place. You don’t want it getting too hot or too wet, so try to keep pumpkins out of the rain, away from the elements and far enough away from sprinklers. Should your pumpkin get too wet, it will retain that moisture, allowing mold to grow.

Make all-natural pumpkin preserve spray

It’s easy to make yourself! Combine about five drops of peppermint essential oil with one cup of water in a spray bottle. Shake it well, then spray both the interior and exterior of your pumpkins! Next up, 50 un-boo-lieveable Halloween wreath ideas!