Can’t do it? You’re not alone: In Cleveland Clinic’s survey conducted with and Ipsos, one-third of respondents admitted they weren’t able to touch their toes. And unfortunately, sitting is a huge contributing factor to this. “Sitting too much can weaken your glutes and legs while creating stiffness in your back, neck and hips,” says Ally Maz, yoga instructor from mindfulness studio Open.  That’s because when you’re sitting, you’re in a flexed position at the hips and knees. In the hip flexion position, the muscles at the front of the hips (hip flexors) are shortened, and the muscles at the back of the hips (glutes) are stretched. A similar phenomenon happens at the knees, where the muscles in the back of the thighs (hamstrings) are in a shortened position. The iliotibial (IT) band is a ligament that runs from the outside of the hip, down the outer thigh and knee to the shin.  Because the IT band crosses the two joints that remain flexed when seated, it is also in a shortened position. “Sitting for hours at a time leads to loss of elastin and chronic shortening, or tightening, of the hip flexors, hamstrings, and IT band,” says Michelle Collins, ACE-certified personal trainer with Fyt. “This also causes a loss of collagen and chronic over-stretching, or weakening, of the glute muscles. The combination of chronic weakened and tight muscles from prolonged sitting is why many have lost the ability to touch their toes.” But a decrease in flexibility also happens naturally as you age. “The aging process contributes to the deterioration of fibers elastin and collagen in muscle tissue (collagen gives musculature their rigidity to guard against tears, and elastin gives musculature their elasticity), leading to decreased flexibility and musculature integrity, which can lead to a limited range of motion in the joints, dysfunctional movement, and chronic pain,” says Collins. While these factors can make remaining flexible a challenge, you can combat your lack of flexibility by implementing a stretching and strength routine. “Stretching can aid in getting blood flow into the muscles and joints, as well as eliminating stiffness in the areas that get compressed from long periods of sitting,” says Maz. Adds Collins, “Flexibility training (and taking frequent breaks from sitting!) can re-build collagen to regain strength, elastin, and flexibility in our ‘sit’ muscles to allow us to be able to touch our toes again.”

8 exercises to help you touch your toes

Downward dog

“Downward dog helps to stretch your hamstrings, calves and spine which are essential parts of the body to open in the pursuit of toe touching!” says Maz. How to do it:

From hands and knees, lift your knees off the floor and try to straighten your legs while pressing your chest to your thighs. Hold for 10-20 long breath cycles

High plank 

“Planks build the muscles of the core, and a strong core is necessary for good posture and healthy movement,” says Collins. “Planks also strengthen the glutes and stretch the hip flexors and hamstrings, while increasing the heart rate, which warms up the muscles, making them more pliable to get maximum results from the stretches that follow.” How to do it:

Begin in the top of a push-up position, where hands are directly beneath the shoulders, legs are hip-width apart, and toes are extended against the floor. The body should be in a straight line from the crown of the head to the heels, where hips are neither above nor below that line. If planks are new to you, aim for a 5-10 second hold at first, and work your way up to longer holds. Proper form is more important than the length of the hold. If you can hold a high plank longer than 30 seconds, progress to a low plank, where elbows are bent and directly under the shoulders and body weight is supported by forearms and toes.

Standing forward bend (ragdoll)

“This stretch opens up the backs of the legs and your spine,” says Maz. “By holding the elbows you are able to create a traction in the spine which releases tension in your back and neck and helps you deepen the stretch in the backs of the legs.” How to do it:

Start with your feet placed hips distanced apart, bend your knees and engage your core and bend forward at your hips. Grab hold of your elbows and let your head drop. As you progress you will be able to straighten your legs more and more. Hold for 10-20 breaths, try doing this twice a day.

Figure 4 stretch 

“This stretch opens up the hips and stretches the IT band,” says Collins. How to do it:

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat. Cross your right ankle over to rest on top of your left thigh. Lift the left foot off the floor and clasp your hands behind the left thigh. Use your hands to pull the legs toward the chest. If grasping the thigh with your hands causes the head or shoulders to lift off the mat, use a belt or strap as a sling to assist with the stretch. Hold 30-60 seconds. Repeat with left ankle crossed over the right thigh, hold 30-60 seconds.

Half split

“This targets one leg at a time which can show you imbalances in your flexibility from one leg to the other,” says Maz. How to do it:

Start in a low lunge with your hands on the floor. Begin to straighten your front leg as much as you can.Try 5-10 breaths on both the right and left side.

Supine hamstring stretch

“Not only does this stretch target the hamstrings, it also stretches the calf muscles and Achilles tendon, which, when more flexible, makes touching the toes easier,” says Collins. How to do it:

Lie on your back with legs extended. Lift your right leg off the mat, wrap a belt or strap around the ball of your right foot, hold the ends of the belt or strap in each hand, and extend your right leg up toward the ceiling. Use tension on the strap to maximize the stretch while keeping the head and shoulders on the mat. Aim to get your right leg as close to vertical as possible, and keep your foot flexed throughout. If this stretch causes discomfort in the lower back, bend your left knee and place your left foot flat on the mat. Repeat with left leg; hold 30-60 seconds.

Seated forward fold 

“This will stretch the backs of the legs as well as your lower back. This is a good way to measure your progress over time,” says Maz. How to do it:

Sit on the floor or elevate your hips by sitting on a yoga block. Bend forward at your hips and reach for your toes. Hold for 20-30 breaths.

Hip Flexor Stretch

“This stretches the hip flexors and strengthens the glutes,” says Collins. How to do it:

Lie on your stomach, bend your left elbow, place your left palm on the mat and rest your forehead on your left forearm to allow for comfortable breathing. Bend your right knee and reach back to grasp the right foot/ankle with your right hand. If you’re unable to grasp your foot with your hand comfortably, use a belt or strap-like a sling around the front of the right ankle and hold both ends of the strap with your right hand. Pull your right foot towards your back right hip. Repeat with left leg, hold 30-60 seconds.

Next up, here’s how to spend less time on social media. 


Ally Maz, yoga instructor from mindfulness studio OpenMichelle Collins, ACE-certified personal trainer with Fyt How to Touch Your Toes  8 Exercises That Can Help - 49