“I came to singing late. When I was doing Beauty and the Beast and in my contract they made me have a singing lesson every week,” he explained. “What happened was I was learning on the job … and I kind of developed a voice that was not fully mine. Liz really made me fall in love with singing," he elaborated.  “I find it really difficult to listen to myself sing. I’ll be listening to the Broadway channel sometimes and they’ll announce me and I immediately turn it off. But with this I can actually listen to myself," he told Playbill at the time of the release of his 2017 musical film The Greatest Showman.As for what he loves most about acting, he told Vogue, “When it’s all flowing, it’s as free and as exhilarating as anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. And I wish to God I could have it every single time I do it. I don’t, but when that happens it’s transcendent.”