What is the history of Columbus Day?

We all remember the old rhyme: “In the year 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” That much is true. But a lot of the other “history” surrounding Columbus is actually pretty inaccurate: He didn’t actually discover America (and never even landed in North America), and most people already believed the Earth was round. Columbus Day was first celebrated in New York City in 1792 to mark the 300th anniversary of his arrival and to celebrate Italian American heritage, but it wasn’t until the Knights of Columbus pressured then-president Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1937 that Oct. 12 actually became a national holiday. In 1972, then-President Richard Nixon changed the holiday to the second Monday in October.

Why is Columbus Day controversial?

Here comes the history lesson that many American schools gloss over: Christopher Columbus committed serious atrocities against the native and indigenous people in the Caribbean, as well as against Spanish colonists in the area. A brief list of them can be found here, but be warned: It’s not for the faint of heart. In short, he enslaved and committed genocide against indigenous peoples, enabled and encouraged rape of women and girls, and introduced the Western slave trade to the region … and that doesn’t even adequately describe how horrific he truly was. Columbus’ true history, added to the fact that Italian Americans are no longer marginalized—but native and indigenous peoples are—it’s no wonder why many are seeking to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

What is Indigenous Peoples’ Day?

Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a day to recognize indigenous people and the contributions they’ve made to history, as well as to mourn those lost to genocide and Western colonization—and to remember that Native Americans were actually here long before European settlers showed up on our shores. In 1977, the United Nations International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in the Americas proposed that Indigenous Peoples Day replace Columbus Day.

When is Indigenous Peoples’ Day?

Indigenous Peoples’ Day is recognized on the same day as Columbus Day each year, the second Monday in October. This year, Indigenous Peoples’ Day will be on Oct. 10, 2022.

How is Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebrated?

Indigenous Peoples’ Day is more a day of recognition and mourning than of outright celebration. Great ways to commemorate Indigenous Peoples’ Day are to educate yourself and others on indigenous and Native American culture, and their contributions and history. You can also contribute to charities and causes that support indigenous people. Good options include:

American Indian College Fund provides scholarships for Native American students.American Indian Policy Center provides government leaders and policymakers with accurate legal and historical information.American Indigenous Business Leaders support the education and development of indigenous-owned businesses.Association of American Indian Affairs provides aid in drafting integral legislation for indigenous people, including the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, and the Tribal Governmental Tax Status Act and the Indian Child Welfare Act.First Nations Development Institute supports economic development and education for Native communities.Native American Heritage Association provides financial aid to those in need living on reservations in South Dakota.Native American Rights Fund fights to preserve Native American rights and tribal resources.National Indian Child Care Association provides tribal child care and early childhood programs.Partnership With Native Americans aids those living in poverty on reservations.Women Empowering Women for Indigenous Nations provides networking, professional and career opportunities for Native American women.

Which states celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day?

South Dakota was the first state to recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day in 1990, while individual cities have had their own official celebrations for decades. The following states all recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day:

AlabamaAlaskaHawaiiIdahoMaineMichiganMinnesotaNew MexicoNorth CarolinaOklahomaOregonSouth DakotaTexasVermontWashington, D.C.Wisconsin

America was built on the backs of indigenous people. Learn which state names were inspired or lifted from Native Americans.