Though it may seem these mRNA vaccines were developed quickly, researchers were able to take advantage of existing technology in order to develop, test, receive approval and get them out to the public as quickly as possible. As with anything new—especially anything of this magnitude—there are hesitancies surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines (often in terms of safety and efficacy).  These hesitancies are particularly prominent in minority communities, with only 14 percent of Black Americans and 34 percent of Latinx American saying they trust the vaccine, and only 28% of Black Americans and 47% expressing confidence that the vaccine will be tested for their specific racial or ethnic group. We spoke to experts to talk about some of the common hesitations surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines, including why it’s okay to ask for some answers. 

It’s OK to have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine

There’s no question that there’s a lot of misinformation out there. In fact, a study from February 2021 published in Nature Human Behavior notes that misinformation is targeted specifically by country and context, which could account for why it is so convincing. Authors of the study found that in the U.K., people are more susceptible to misinformation provided by celebrities, whereas in the U.S., it’s friends and family members. Misinformation is coming at us from many different directions, though a lot of it appears to be spread via social media (in both text and images). The World Health Organization (WHO) has a central hub where misinformation can be reported, and doctors welcome conversations about the vaccine, especially as they pertain specifically to you and your medical history. “It’s okay to have questions about the COVID vaccines; there is a lot of misinformation out there,” reassures Dr. Natasha Bhuyan, M.D., family physician and Regional Medical Director at One Medical. “I encourage people to talk to a primary care provider if you have concerns about the vaccine and we can help share accurate information.” If you think you’ve been exposed to misinformation, what can you do? Take note of it and report it to the WHO (and/or, if on social media, the specific social network it appeared on). And if you have questions, write them down and schedule a call with a nurse practitioner at your physician’s office or address any concerns about the coronavirus vaccine directly with your doctor on your next visit. 

How effective is the COVID vaccine?

When it comes to the efficacy of the COVID vaccines, Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden, notes that the current COVID vaccines are 94-95 percent effective when administered by a professional as directed. Studies back up this data: Articles in The New England Journal of Medicine show the Moderna vaccine—scientifically known as mRNA-1273—as having a 94.1 percent efficacy rate (as published in February 2021) and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine—scientifically known as BNT162b2—as having a 95 percent efficacy rate (as published in December 2020).  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the COVID-19 vaccines are continually assessed for efficacy in real-world scenarios, especially as new variants of the coronavirus emerge. As new data emerge, it is believed that the current vaccines protect against the variants, however, the variants are one reason getting the vaccine as early as possible is recommended. As Dr. Fauci explained to PBS NewsHour in January 2021, the more and more people that get the vaccine, the less likely it is that we will have new variants; “viruses don’t mutate unless they actively replicate,” he notes. 

What else we know about the COVID vaccine

One of the biggest myths about the COVID vaccine is that it will give you coronavirus. The CDC stresses that none of the vaccines currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) contain live viruses. These vaccines are what is known as mRNA vaccines, and while they “contain material from the virus that causes COVID-19,” it is not the virus itself. Instead, it serves as an instruction manual of sorts to teach our bodies how to fight the virus (and destroy its genetic material, in the process). The CDC does go on to reassure the public that because the vaccines are preparing our bodies should we become infected with COVID-19, some side effects may develop with the vaccine. As there are two doses necessary to complete the COVID-19 vaccine, you could experience side effects after both.  “Side effects can differ between the two doses,” explains Dr. Bhuyan. “And just because you react one way to the first dose, it doesn’t predict how you will react to the second … we do know that people tend to report more symptoms after the second dose, which is expected. That’s because our immune system is primed and ready when we receive that second dose.” According to the CDC, common side effects can last for 24-48 hours and include: 

FeverChillsTirednessHeadachePain and/or swelling at the injection site

If you’ve ever experienced a severe allergic reaction to a vaccine, it is advised that you ask your doctor before getting a COVID-19 vaccine.  “So far, 138 million doses have been administered globally, with 44 million in the United States,” adds Dr. Bhuyan. “Of these, the vast, vast majority of side effects were mild and short-lived. They include symptoms like pain at the injection site, redness at the injection site, fatigue, body aches, fevers, or headaches. These post-vaccine symptoms are actually not a bad thing; they tell us that the vaccine is working because our body is mounting an immune response.” 

Barriers for Black and Latinx communities

When discussing hesitancy surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine, it is important to differentiate the concerns—and barriers—that people of color face. A survey done in collaboration by UnidosUS, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the COVID Collaborative in September 2020 revealed that just 14 percent of Black Americans and 34 percent of Latinx Americans trusted the safety of the vaccine. Part of the reason for this? Racial disparities in health care are very real.  Research shows not only do people of color have higher mortality rates—especially Black people—but there are elevated disease rates and lower levels of access to medical care. In fact, when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine specifically, a February 2021 study by the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy and West Health Policy Center found there are racial disparities in access to the vaccines (with these areas also having a higher incidence of infections). The study found in the U.S. alone, in 69 counties that house over 25 million people, Black residents were significantly more likely than white people to live over a mile from a vaccination site.  “Our analysis highlights one of many barriers that Black Americans will have to overcome to receive a COVID-19 vaccine,” explains the first author of the study, Dr. Lucas Berenbrok, Pharm.D., assistant professor at the Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. “Other barriers like vaccine hesitancy and mistrust of the healthcare system cannot be easily solved. By highlighting driving distances to potential COVID-19 vaccine administration sites, we hope that state and local authorities will use our data to deploy tailored strategies to vaccinate Black Americans with less access.”

The bottom line

Ultimately, the choice to get the vaccine or not is yours to make—we’re just here to present the facts and encourage you to chat with a medical provider if you’re feeling uncertain. Dr. Julita Mir, M.D., Infectious Disease Physician and Chief Medical Officer of Community Care Cooperative, recommends making a pros and cons list of sorts, especially if side effects are a big concern.  “We always focus on side effects and the things that are painful and that we don’t want in our life,” admits Dr. Mir. “[However,] the benefits of getting vaccinated means we can have a little more freedom, much sooner.”  Dr. Mir goes on to note that getting the COVID-19 vaccine isn’t a free pass to stop protective measures—such as wearing a mask, hand washing and social distancing—however, as more and more people (specifically, your loved ones) get the vaccine, the less worry you have of spreading the disease. Next up, get even more facts about common COVID-19 vaccine myths. 


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “COVID-19 Vaccines and Allergic Reactions.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccines Work.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Understanding How COVID-19 Vaccines Work.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “What to Expect after Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine.”Dr. Julita Mir, M.D., Infectious Disease Physician and Chief Medical Officer of Community Care CooperativeDr. Lucas Berenbrok, Pharm.D., assistant professor at the Pitt School of PharmacyDr. Natasha Bhuyan, M.D., family physician and Regional Medical Director at One MedicalHealth Care Financing Review; Medicare & Medicaid Research Review (MMRR), Summer 2000. “Understanding and Addressing Racial Disparities in Health Care.” PMID: 11481746Nature Human Behavior, February 5, 2021. “Measuring the impact of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on vaccination intent in the UK and USA.” Loomba, S., de Figueiredo, A., Piatek, S.J. et al. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-021-01056-1PBS NewsHour, January 29. 2021. “Fauci on the efficacy of new vaccines and preparing for coronavirus variants.”The New England Journal of Medicine, December 31, 2020. “Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine.” DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2034577The New England Journal of Medicine, February 4, 2021. “Efficacy and Safety of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine.” DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2035389UnidosUS, NAACP and COVID Collaborative, September 2020. Survey: “Coronavirus Vaccine Hesitancy in Black and Latinx Communities.”University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy and West Health Policy Center, February 4, 2021. “Where Black Americans Will Travel Farther than Whites for COVID-19 Vaccination.”World Health Organization (WHO), “How to report misinformation online.”World Health Organization (WHO), Science in 5: January 8, 2021. “Episode #20 - COVID-19 - Variants & Vaccines.” Is the COVID Vaccine Safe  Here s What to Know If You re Feeling Hesitant - 52