The four-part docu-series, directed by Rachel Dretzin, focuses on the survivors of a section of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) that supports polygamy.  Viewers were left largely disturbed after learning about the atrocious crimes committed by the men at the top, in particular, the troubling and disgraced leader, Warren Jeffs. Many were left wondering where Jeffs is now – here’s everything we know:

Who is Warren Jeffs?

Jeffs, a self-proclaimed “prophet,” succeeded his father, Rulon Jeffs, as the leader of the FLDS after his death in 2002.
Rulon was believed to have about 20 wives and 60 children, and Jeffs followed in his father’s footsteps by promoting the idea of having multiple marriages, including many with underage girls. Jeffs had 78 wives with 24 of those being underage. He even married all his father’s widows aside from one who refused and was prohibited from ever marrying again and another who escaped the compound. Warren orchestrated the abuse and conditioning of women and children in the church by cutting them off from the outside world and even forcing some incestuous marriages. The documentary notes that “young girls were like a commodity owned but he church.” Per Esquire, FLDS followers believed that the more women a man married, the closer he would get to God. Women in the sect were forced to dress in long prairie dresses to cover up their body, wear their hair in a back bun, pray every hour, and have no contact with the outside world. As a result, the women had no education, skills, or money, which prevented them from escaping. “In our minds, the police, even the president of the United States, had no authority over us. Warren Jeffs was our president. He was the prophet. And how could you place a human over God?” one survivor even explained in the documentary.

Where Is Jeffs Now?

Elissa Wall started it all when she alerted authorities to the crimes in 2005, revealing that she was forced to marry her 19-year-old cousin when she was 14. By 2006, Jeffs was on the run and there were several warrants out for his arrest. He was charged with two counts of accomplice to rape (which were overturned) and became one of the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted Criminals. In 2006, he was pulled over for a minor traffic offense in Las Vegas and arrested. In 2008, agents raided the Yearning for Zion Ranch and rescued over 400 children and abused followers. Since then, many former church members have spoken out against Jeffs for the crimes he committed against them. There have been several court cases against Jeffs. After being charged with incest and sexual conduct with minors (that he forced to marry him), he is serving a life sentence plus 20 years in an Arizona jail. He was also fined $10,000 Jeffs’ brother, Wallace, left FLDS and lost his wives and 20 children in the process, per Women’s Health. He worked with the FBI to create a case against his brother.

Does FLDS Still Exist?

Even though Jeffs is being bars, Esquire notes he still leads the cult from prison. It’s estimated that there are still between 6,000 to 10,000 members who believe Jeffs is a prophet that was wrongfully convicted.

How Can I Watch Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey

The documentary includes stories from the incredibly brave men and women that escaped Jeffs. “It was almost impossible to believe that a society so repressive, isolated and extreme could exist in plain sight in 21st century America,” director and executive producer Rachel Dretzin said. It began streaming on Netflix on June 8, 2022. Next up, listen to the 30 best true crime podcasts.

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