If you’re one of the 40 million people in the U.S. who struggle with anxiety, you know how challenging it can be. From excessive worrying to full-blown panic attacks, symptoms are different for everyone—but we can pretty much all agree that they’re not pleasant. And thanks to the last year spent in lockdown and worrying about the pandemic, our anxiety is at an all-time high. For those with an anxiety disorder, finding healthy coping mechanisms is essential. And while there are many effective techniques to improve your mental health—meditation, yoga and therapy—coping with anxiety isn’t a one-size-fits all approach. If you feel like you need some additional support on top of everything else you’ve been trying, you may benefit from taking magnesium. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Can magnesium fight anxiety? Here’s the science behind it.

Magnesium is a mineral that plays an important role in hundreds of bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, converting food into energy and your response to stress. During stressful situations, your body naturally increases magnesium excretion. And if it’s not restored … hello, mood swings. Dr. Carrie Lam, MD, FAAMFM, ABAARM explains that when the stress is severe and your body no longer has the support of cortisol, you can experience cardionomic circuit dysfunction (CCD). Symptoms of CCD include adrenaline rushes, rapid heart rate, anxiety, panic attacks and severe insomnia. So how does magnesium play into the cardionomic circuit and its dysregulation? First, it’s important to understand the role magnesium plays in the cardiovascular system. “Magnesium, as a natural relaxant, is crucial for the modulation of myocardial contraction, neuronal excitation, and intracardiac conduction,” says Dr. Lam. “It does this by regulating ion transporters, such as calcium and potassium channels. It also helps regulate vascular tone, vascular calcification, atherogenesis, thrombosis, and the proliferation and migration of the vascular and endothelial cells.” We know, we know: That’s a lot of big words. But the gist of it is that when there isn’t enough magnesium in your system, it throws everything off. And while further studies are needed to confirm this, there is some research that shows magnesium’s ability to treat anxiety. In a 2017 review of 18 different studies, researchers examined mild anxiety, anxiety during premenstrual syndrome, postpartum anxiety, and generalized anxiety. Results indicated that magnesium helped improve symptoms. Researchers noted the reason why magnesium is beneficial may be due to its ability to boost brain function. Specifically, it affects the hypothalamus part of the brain, which controls the adrenal glands. These glands produce cortisol, “the stress hormone.” The higher the magnesium in your body, the lower the cortisol.

Magnesium for sleep

Anyone with anxiety knows it can make sleep difficult. Due to its soothing effects, magnesium is often used to improve sleep quality. Along with regulating the neurotransmitters in your brain, magnesium also affects the production of melatonin (the sleep hormone) and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system – the system that calms the mind and body. Studies show that if you don’t have enough magnesium, it can cause sleep deprivation and in severe cases, insomnia.

Foods high in magnesium

The best way to get more of this powerful mineral? Change your diet. Here is a list of magnesium-rich foods:

Fruits: bananas, avocadosVegetables: leafy greensNuts: almonds, cashews, pine nutsSeeds: pumpkin, squash, sesameWhole grains: wheat, quinoa, oatsLegumes: lentils, beans, peas

5 best magnesium supplements

Getting enough magnesium through food alone isn’t easy, which is why supplements are often recommended by health experts. “Magnesium deficiency is not to be taken lightly,” says Dr. Lam. “Magnesium plays such an important role in the health of the brain and nervous system that a deficiency can trigger or worsen different neuropsychiatric conditions. And one of the benefits of magnesium supplementation is to help correct or ward off these issues, at least until your diet and digestion are optimized for optimal magnesium absorption.” Take a look at this list for the “chill pill” that’s right for you:

Magnesium sulfate

Try: EpSoak Epsom Salt You’re probably familiar with the healing powers of Epsom salt on the body, but did you know it’s also good for the mind? As it turns out, Epsom salt helps regulate mood and reduce stress, anxiety and depression. “Epsom salt baths are an amazingly relaxing way to increase your magnesium levels,” says Dr. Elisa Song, MD, a holistic pediatrician and pediatric functional medicine expert. “Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate—when you soak in a warm tub, the magnesium gets absorbed through your skin and you have a chance to slow down and relax your body and mind. Throw in a few drops of lavender essential oil for added anxiety-reducing benefits.”

Magnesium oxide

Try: Uro-Mag Magnesium Oxide Well-known for its ability to relieve heartburn, magnesium oxide can also help with tension headaches. If you experience chronic anxiety and panic attacks, it can trigger migraines. The American Migraine Foundation recommends magnesium oxide as a treatment for migraine relief.

Magnesium glycinate

Try: Nested Naturals Magnesium Glycinate If your anxiety is keeping you up at night, give magnesium glycinate a try. Magnesium glycinate is magnesium bound to glycine –an amino acid known for its relaxing effects on the brain. And since this supplement has exceptional absorption abilities, your body will be able to obtain maximum benefits once ingested. “Compared to the other forms of magnesium, magnesium glycinate is the most calming, helps sleep, and is less of a laxative,” Dr. Song explains.

Magnesium chloride

Try: Nova Nutritions Magnesium Chloride Easily absorbed by the body, research confirms the positive effects of magnesium chloride on anxiety and depression.

Magnesium citrate

Try: NOW Magnesium Citrate Most commonly used to treat constipation, this supplement is gentle on the stomach and provides fast-acting relief. Since magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer, it also helps alleviate anxiety.

How much magnesium should I take?

For adults, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is 310 to 420 mg. To determine the correct dose, there are several factors to take into consideration, including age and gender. Adjustments may be required if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Before taking any new supplements, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider.

Magnesium risks

While there are rarely side effects from taking magnesium, it’s important not to overdo it. This can cause magnesium toxicity: low blood pressure, muscle weakness, and fatigue. This usually happens with supplements, not food (since supplements contain a more concentrated amount). If you have any of the symptoms listed, be sure to speak to a healthcare professional immediately. Next up, here’s your anti-burnout action plan. 


Dr. Carrie Lam, MD, FAAMFM, ABAARMElisa Song, M.D., holistic pediatrician and pediatric functional medicine expertAnxiety and Depression Association of America: “Facts and Statistics”National Institutes of Health: “Magnesium”National Institutes of Health: “USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference”Nutrition Journal: “Nutritional and Herbal Supplements for Anxiety and Anxiety Related Disorders: Systematic Review”Nutrients: “The Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Subjective Anxiety and Stress–A Systematic Review”Neuropharmacology: “Magnesium Deficiency Induces Anxiety and HPA Axis Dysregulation: Modulation by Therapeutic Drug Treatment”International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding: “The Magic of Magnesium"Cleveland Clinic: “7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Epsom Salt”The American Migraine Foundation: “Magnesium”PLOS ONE: “Role of Magnesium Supplementation in the Treatment of Depression: A Randomized Clinical Trial” Magnesium for Anxiety  Best Magnesium Supplements to Help With Anxiety - 55