“I cried just because it was the end. But it was not nearly as upsetting to me [as the penultimate episode]. I was like, ‘Ah, what a beautiful way to wrap this up,’” Moore told Entertainment Weekly. “I just remember closing [the script] going, ‘You stuck the landing, [creator] Dan [Fogelman]. You really did. No one’s going to be disappointed.’ This is a really beautiful way to end this story.” Moore admitted that she cried so much over “The Train” that she actually threw up. “I remember seeing Chrissy[Metz] the next day at work and she had not the same reaction,” Moore recalled. “She didn’t get sick—but it was one of those experiences where you’re so overcome that your sinuses are completely blocked. You can’t catch your breath, really. It wasn’t even so much the saying goodbye and [Rebecca] turning and Jack is there at the end. All of that was just exceedingly beautiful, but I think it was being led by William and just all of these little Easter egg details … just the little bits and bobs from our life, the Taboo game was there, the growth chart from the kitchen in the Pearson house, there were just so many fun things for me to look at and be caught off guard by and really reacting to in the moment,” she said. “What a beautiful, all-encompassing way to showcase someone’s life at the very end.” As for how the Pearsons’ story ends in the series finale, “Us,” Moore thinks fans will be happy, even if things aren’t necessarily as tidy as they may expect them to be. “I think the simplicity of what’s in store for people in parts of this episode are what the whole series is really about,” she said. “People waiting for things to be tied up perfectly in a bow with every single character and every single story need to abandon that idea because that’s not the reality of life anyway.” She added of Rebecca’s journey, “You finish telling one person’s story and it’s like, ‘Yeah, but they have children or they will continue having a life. And their children will have children will have children. This story could just go on forever and ever and ever.’ But having said that, the simplicity and the beauty of the quiet, simple seemingly mundane moments of this family’s life are going to feel like a warm hug for people.” Next, find out which scenes made the cast of This Is Us burst into tears.

Mandy Moore Talks  This Is Us  Finale   The Train  - 34