Passover Trivia

Question: For how long is Passover observed?Answer: Eight days Question: What did Hebrews put on their doorposts to prevent the deaths of their firstborn sons?Answer: Lamb’s blood Question: How do you say “Passover” in Hebrew?Answer: Pesach Question: Maot Chitim involves the gathering of what to give to the poor?Answer: Wheat for matzo Question: The retelling of what Biblical story takes place at a Seder?Answer: The Exodus Question: The final day of Passover celebrates what?Answer: The arrival to and parting of the Red Sea Question: The retelling of the Exodus is called what?Answer: Maggid Question: All people must observe what tradition on Passover?Answer: Eating matzoh Question: Moses led the Hebrews to which “promised land?“Answer: Canaan Question: Leavened foods are called what?Answer: Chametz Question: The last Sabbath before Passover is called what?Answer: Shabbat HaGadol Question: For whom is a seat typically saved at a seder?Answer: Elijah Question: Who is the most important figure in Passover history?Answer: Moses Question: Passover takes place on what date in the Hebrew calendar?Answer: The 15th of Nisan Question: Where was the earliest record of The Four Questions found?Answer: The Talmud Question: If you can’t celebrate Passover, when is Second Passover in the Hebrew calendar?Answer: The 14th of Iyar Question: What is commonly used as maror and served with meat?Answer: Horseradish Question: Who asks the questions at a Seder?Answer: The youngest person present Question: How many questions are asked at a Seder?Answer: Four Question: The Tefillat Tal is a prayer for what?Answer: Dew Question: Which U.S. President was the first to host a Passover Seder at the White House?Answer: Barack Obama Question: Bitter herbs on a Seder plate represent what?Answer: Life as a slave Question: The sweet apple mixture on a Passover Seder plate is called what?Answer: Charoset Question: The middle days of Passover are called what?Answer: Hol Hamoed Question: Vegetarians often use what in place of a lamb bone on their Seder plate?Answer: Beet Question: A sandwich made of matzo, maror and charoset is called what?Answer: Hillel sandwich Question: How many ceremonial handwashings are there at a Seder?Answer: Two Question: The celebration held the night and day Passover ends is called what?Answer: Maimouna Question: Kids hunt for what after Seder?Answer: Afikoman (dessert) Question: How many plagues were there in Egypt?Answer: 10 Question: Some feminist and LGBTQ+ Seders place what on their Seder plates?Answer: An orange Question: What animals got sick during the Egyptian plagues?Answer: Cattle Question: What is customarily said at the end of a Seder?Answer: “Next year in Jerusalem!” Question: In 1970, Arthur Waskow introduced a Freedom Seder in honor of whom?Answer: Martin Luther King Jr. Question: What were the names of Moses’ birth parents?Answer: Amram and Yocheved Question: How long does the counting of the Omer last?Answer: 49 days Question: “Seder” means what in Hebrew?Answer: Order or ritual Question: In what river was Moses found as a baby?Answer: The Nile River Question: God appeared to Moses as what for the first time?Answer: A burning bush Question: What is the Hebrew name for Egypt?Answer: Mitzraim Question: What three items are used to search for chametz?Answer: A feather, candle and spoon Question: The Israelites are believed to have been enslaved for how long?Answer: 400 years Question: Which American President died during Passover?Answer: Abraham Lincoln Question: In past times, which animal was sacrificed for Passover?Answer: Lamb Question: Those who can’t drink wine sip what at a Seder?Answer: Grape juice Question: To date, the world’s largest matzo ball was made where?Answer: Tucson, Arizona Question: Every year, which city hosts the largest Passover Seder?Answer: Kathmandu Question: How many glasses of wine are drunk at a Seder per adult?Answer: Four Question: Which of the four cups of wine symbolizes Kiddush?Answer: The first Question: What does Kiddush mean?Answer: Sanctification Next, find a great Haggadah online with our guide!

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