What does Pisces mean?

The dreamer and healer of the horoscope family, Pisces energy awakens compassion, imagination and artistry, dissolving the boundaries that divide us. Pisces is 12th and the last sign of the zodiac.

What are the Pisces dates (months)?

Pisces dates typically fall from February 19 to March 20.

What are the characteristics and personality traits of a Pisces?

Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. A part of you is always trying to “swim away” or escape reality. The other part is so intuitive that you get swept up in everything going on. Your imagination is the perfect hideout when you want to escape, since Pisces is so creative. You love dancing (Pisces rules the feet), movies, poetry, and music. Your moods are mysterious and your dreams are intense. Every Pisces should have a journal by your bed, since some your best ideas will come in your sleep. Although you can feel helpless, you’re much stronger than you think. The best way for Pisces to experience your own strength is to help people in need. You have great compassion and incredible healing powers. Because it’s easy for people to make you feel guilty, Pisces should watch out for friends who use you, or make you doubt yourself. Surround yourself with good-hearted friends who have their acts together. Many people born under your sign have a “tortured soul” quality. Finding a tranquil spiritual outlet, or spending time alone, can help you get re-centered in your own power.

What’s the best look for a Pisces?

Vintage, beachy, artistic, punk rock, the shoes make the outfit

What’s the Pisces zodiac sign?

Ruled by the enchanting and elusive Fish, Pisces is the sign of illusions, darting in and out of the shadows. Is it real…or just a mirage? Celestial sleight of hand is the Pisces forte. Much like a siren, Pisces energy lures you into its depths—but it can also leave you drown you in the emotion ocean. Compassionate Pisces is empathic, absorbing and reflecting the feelings of everyone it contacts. This is the “old soul” of the zodiac: As the final sign Pisces is said to have experienced the energy of every other sign before it. Soulfully deep, Pisces energy never just skims the surface. In fact, this sign rules the subconscious and governs our dreams, imaginations and unhealed wounds. The essence of Pisces energy is romantic, helpful, wise, comforting and artistic. Negative Pisces energy can be gullible, self-pitying, out of touch with reality, addictive, self-destructive, clingy and masochistic. During a Pisces planetary transit, we need to set boundaries and avoid playing the martyr, codependence, and rescuing troubled souls.

Who is Pisces most (and least) compatible with and why?

We believe that any two signs are compatible. It just depends on what you want from a relationship! Some people like an easy-breezy vibe, others prefer the challenge that comes from dating someone who is dynamic and different. Same Sign (Conjunct): Pisces Similar temperaments; possibly too alike 1 Sign Apart (Inconjunct): Aquarius, Aries Strong attraction, but can be awkward and hard to understand each other 2 Signs Apart (Sextile): Capricorn, Taurus Best friends with benefits, friendly and fun 3 Signs Apart (Square): Sagittarius, Gemini Difficult, but an exciting challenge 4 Signs Apart (Trine): Cancer, Scorpio Easy and harmonious but can get too comfortable 5 Signs Apart (Quincunx): Leo, Libra Karmic connection, challenging but will keep you on your toes 6 Signs Apart (Opposite): Virgo Magnetic, intense chemistry; can repel and attract in equal measure

What is the Pisces element?

Pisces is one of the three zodiac signs ruled by the water element. The other two water Signs are Cancer and Scorpio. Since Pisces is the third and final water sign, it streams Cancer’s sentimental waves and Scorpio’s forceful jets into the ultimate emotion ocean. With Pisces energy activated, expect to dive deep. Pisces energy awakens our compassion, opening our hearts to people who are struggling. Under a Pisces planetary cycle, we can expect to wear our hearts on our sleeves and feel intuitively connected to those around us, whether or not we’re consciously aware of that energy. We may also express ourselves emotionally through creative channels: music, film, the visual arts, and dance are all ruled under the Fish’s domain.

What is the Pisces color?

Seafoam green, aqua, lilac.

What is the Pisces birthstone?

Amethyst is the birthstone for Aquarians born in February; aquamarine is the stone for March-born Pisces.

What planet rules Pisces?

The planetary ruler of Pisces is Neptune. The Ancient Romans praised and glorified Neptune as the almighty God of the Sea. When Jupiter and Pluto (or Zeus and Hades, as they’re referred to in Greek mythology) met with Neptune, they divided the three main realms of the Universe—earth, sea, and underworld—amongst themselves. Neptune was feared for his furious temper, which could incite earthquakes on land and intense storms for those away at sea.

Which celebrities are Pisces?

Albert Einstein March 14, 1879 Lupita Nyong’o March 1, 1983 Rihanna February 20, 1988 Justin Bieber March 1, 1994 Adam Levine March 18, 1979 George Washington February 22, 1732 Carrie Underwood March 10, 1983 Kesha March 1, 1987 Steve Jobs February 24, 1955 Ansel Elgort March 14, 1994 Kurt Cobain February 20, 1967 Eva Longoria March 15, 1975 Drew Barrymore February 22, 1975 Eva Mendes March 5, 1974 Mitch McConnell February 20, 1942 Victor Hugo February 26, 1802 W.E.B. DuBois February 23, 1868 Dr. Seuss March 2, 1904 Jack Kerouac March 12, 1922 Emily Blunt February 23, 1983 Rashida Jones February 25, 1976 Chelsea Handler February 25, 1975 Rebel Wilson March 2, 1980 Daniel Craig March 2, 1968 Bryce Dallas Howard March 2, 1981 Jessica Biel March 3, 1982

What are the best jobs/careers for a Pisces?

Photographer, filmmaker, musician, artist, human resources director, head of a non-profit, nurse, physical therapist, psychiatrist, healer, spiritual leader, event planner, producer. For your Pisces daily horoscope, click here! Next up, the best self-care practice for you, according to your zodiac sign.

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