Therefore, it should come as no surprise that people have been recently clamoring for something that promises to greatly improve workouts and create better results. Called “pre-workout supplements,” the term is trending on Google, but what are the benefits? And since they’re not FDA-regulated, what are the concerns? Three experts share their thoughts on this health trend.

What are pre-workout supplements?

Stephanie Nelson, MS, RD, and MyFitnessPal In-House Nutrition Expert, says that pre-workout supplements are marketed to increase a person’s ability to work out intensely. Often geared toward weightlifters, she says that these supplement brands claim that their products will increase blood flow to the muscles, improve mental focus, and provide more energy. In turn, you should be able to work out harder and longer. “This is done with a combination of amino acids that stimulate nitric oxide production, extracts, and stimulants that have those intended effects,” Nelson explains. Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, a plant-based registered dietitian and owner of Plant-Based Eats in Stamford, Connecticut, says that pre-workout supplements can come in many forms including protein powders, hydration mixes, capsules, and protein-enriched beverages. Although they’ve gained popularity recently, pre-workout supplements have actually been around for a while, according to Christina Meyer-Jax, MS, RDN, LDN, CLT, RYT, and health advisor for Lifesum and Gympass. “Pre-workout supplements have been on the market in some form since the early 1980s when bodybuilding started to become more popular,” she says. “The trend really started to skyrocket with the advent of social media. Fitness and athlete influencers boosted the market by highlighting their favorites and the benefits to their performance.” So, who’s using these pre-workout supplements? Oftentimes, it’s men who are trying to increase muscle mass, lift heavy weights, and improve their physiques, but they’ve been progressively used by women as well. And although serious exercisers use them, pre-workout supplements are also utilized by everyday workout enthusiasts.

What are the benefits of pre-workout supplements?

“When a pre-workout supplement is safe and used responsibly, it can be beneficial,” Gorin says. “For instance, if you are having a hard time getting enough protein in your diet and you’re about to do a hard workout, you might find a protein powder beneficial.” Meyer-Jax lists some of the benefits, such as increased energy, delayed fatigue onset, improved performance and recovery, improved cardiovascular performance, and increased lean body mass.

Concerns Around Pre-Workout Supplements

While all of those sound like tempting benefits, there are some things to watch out for when it comes to pre-workout supplements. “Pre-workout supplements are especially susceptible to containing banned substances that can even be unsafe,” Nelson says. “For example, [a brand called] Dark Energy was just taken off the market for containing DMAA, a literal amphetamine that the FDA has deemed dangerous and illegal. In addition, they might not contain the ingredients that are shown on the labels, or they might not be present in the amounts claimed on the labels.” Nelson adds that one study tested pre-workout supplements for DMAA and discovered that 9 out of 16 products contained the harmful ingredient. Also, the caffeine in many of these supplements can be detrimental. Meyer-Jax says that when caffeine is taken at high levels, it can interfere with performance and health due to shakiness, anxiety, disturbed sleep, and increased heart rate and blood pressure. “It’s a slippery slope with caffeine,” she says. “It can be dangerous for those with heart conditions, and oftentimes, someone won’t know until they take it.”

The bottom line on pre-workout supplements

Our experts share varied opinions on pre-workout supplements. For instance, Nelson believes they’re completely unnecessary. “For me, the risks outweigh the benefits on pre-workout supplements,” she says. “The intended benefits of the ingredients in pre-workouts are generally overblown, or the science is muddy, or they only apply to specific, elite populations. For most health and fitness goals, pre-workout supplements are unnecessary, and your money is better spent buying high-quality protein and carbohydrate sources to fuel your workouts.” Meyer-Jax thinks that other sources can act as great workout fuel, but pre-workout supplements can be taken as long as they’re safe. She says, “It doesn’t make sense for individuals to not optimize fueling themselves before a workout. To make the most of your training, I recommend getting in some protein, a small number of carbs, and hydrating with water at least 60 minutes before working out. But if time is not on my clients’ side, I recommend supplements that have some of those elements without extreme levels of ingredients, such as stimulants, that can be dangerous.” Know that you can turn to alternatives before your workout to experience similar results. This can be accomplished through a balanced diet, a collagen powder combined with vitamin C (because, according to Nelson, it’s good for injury-prone folks due to its specific amino acid breakdown that supports tendon health), and/or a high-quality protein powder. You could also nosh on Meyer-Jax’s favorite pre-workout snack, which is a clementine orange, a rice cake with peanut butter, and a cup of coffee. “That combo is real food that works similarly to a pre-workout supplement,” she explains. For Gorin, her bottom line on pre-workout supplements is that you should always talk to your doctor before taking a pre-workout supplement to see if it’s something that’s essential for you. After speaking with your healthcare provider, Gorin advises looking for a company that does third-party verification. “Do your research to make sure the supplement is something that will benefit you and doesn’t replicate the nutrients you are already getting from your diet,” she says. Meyer-Jax recommends steering clear of “proprietary blends,” since they’re fuzzy as to what the ingredients are in the formulas. “Another important factor is the levels of ingredients,” she says. “Be careful with supplements that have very high levels of stimulants and micronutrients. These can cause negative health outcomes for your cardiovascular system and liver.” Lastly, Meyer-Jax says that adding pre-workout supplements to your routine comes down to your “why.” “Are you taking it for increasing endurance, strength, both, or something else?" she explains. “Research pre-workout supplements that fit your ‘why.’ Then evaluate them by researching the ingredients on safety and efficacy—don’t just take the sales spin from the supplement website.” Next up, find out the best foods to eat before and after a workout.


Stephanie Nelson, MS, RD., a MyFitnessPal In-House Nutrition Expert.Amy Gorin, MS., RDN., a plant-based registered dietitian and owner of Plant-Based Eats.Christina Meyer-Jax, MS, RDN, LDN., CLT., RYT.,health advisor for Lifesum and Gympass.The National Safety Council. “Fatigue–You’re More Than Just Tired”The Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Average percentage of U.S. population engaged in sports and exercise per day from 2010 to 2019”Drug Testing and Analysis. “Rapid assessment of the illegal presence of 1,3-dimethylamylamine (DMAA) in sports nutrition and dietary supplements using 1H NMR spectroscopy” Pre Workout Supplements  Should You Be Taking Them  Health Experts Weigh In - 21