The film is based on the eponymous novel by former SAS operator Andy McNab, who has had a second career as a best-selling author based on his experiences during his time in service. Heughan had the opportunity to spend time with McNab in pre-production and on set as in order to get just the right swagger to realistically portray Tom. “I wanted to do as much of the action as I could myself,” Heughan tells “I love doing that and have a great amount of experience from other movies and, obviously, Outlander, too. So, I did a lot of training beforehand, tactically and working with the Special Forces to learn the military side of it.” He continued, “Andy’s intriguing because, to be honest, the character of Tom Buckingham is very much based on Andy and Andy is himself a good psychopath,” Heughan says. “It was fascinating to talk to McNab about the psychopathy and what it means to be someone that doesn’t have empathy or doesn’t have emotions.” Luckily, Tom realizes he does have true feelings of love for Sophie. But not nearly with the passion that Heughan’s Outlander character Jamie Fraser feels for wife Claire (Caitriona Balfe). Heughan, Balfe and the rest of the cast and crew are back in Scotland working on Season 6 of the Starz series. And Heughan tells us he believes that the Jamie/Claire relationship is what is keeping fans tuning in season after season. “I think why we love Outlander is the fact that this couple still is deeply in love with each other and still marvel in that love,” he says. “It’s definitely something we’d all aspire to and wish we could have ourselves.” It’s true; we wouldn’t mind having Jamie’s love ourselves. He continues, “Jamie and Claire have been together a long time now and we get to see them be a bit more domestic in Season 6. It’s nice to sit with them for an hour of every episode and just see how good they are together.” Heughan spoke more with about the makeup of Tom’s mind, what it was like to do a brutal fight scene with Ruby Rose and stepping back into Jamie’s boots for Season 6 of Outlander. Plus, he teases a little of what lies ahead for Jamie.

Tom Buckingham is a wealthy man. What drives him to become a military man?

It’s interesting, isn’t it? He could have the opportunity to go into the military at the officer level, but he’s gone in from the bottom and worked his way up, which, I think, is what makes him well-liked by his fellow comrades. He’s an interesting guy. What drives him? Well, what drives a psychopath? I think it’s an intriguing question, but he definitely thrives in the military. It’s certainly a place that his abilities really come to the forefront.

What was it like fighting with a woman?

Well, it was intriguing. We talked about it because she’s definitely smaller than I am and not as strong as Tom. So, we talked about, how would she be a threat? And the point is, these are two very skilled, highly motivated people that want to end the other one’s life. So, she’s vicious. She will not stop. And she, literally, uses her body against Tom. She’ll jump on him almost like a small dog. She won’t let go. It was a fun fight to choreograph and to watch because it’s brutal.

So, you’re saying that he’s a psychopath? Because at the beginning of the film, they say one percent of people are psychopaths and those who learn to love are as rare as black swans, so is he a black swan?

Yes, I think so. I think he’s a good psychopath. We allude to it. We never really say it, but clearly, Ruby’s character as well has the same ability. And, quite possibly, her father, played by Tom Wilkinson, also is a psychopath. It’s interesting because Tom, obviously, has never really known what’s wrong with him. He knows there’s something different about him, and it becomes clear during the course of the movie, but the even more interesting thing is that he has feelings at the end of the movie. So, he’s on this board where he can turn it on and turn it off a little bit; it’s not just black and white. He does have a little bit of humanity in him, I think.

Even though this is an action film, when we got to the end, I felt, there’s a great lesson here: We don’t as regular citizens understand the price that we pay for things like gas. Do you agree that was a message from the film?

Interestingly, and again, it’s all based on the actual reality. Andy has talked extensively to me and to other people about how the military operates and how the government operates. And this is true. This is what happens. There are these very, very gray areas. There’s a lot of big business involved in politics and in the military as well. And the military is sometimes used to help these companies. So, it’s a very, very dark, very murky world. And it really depends. There’s no real good side or bad side; there’s no good guys and bad guys. It just depends which side you’re on, who’s paying you. So, yes, I think there’s definitely something to be learned here.

At the very end, it seems like they left it open for a sequel because there’s another mission. Is a sequel a possibility?

We’ve talked about it a great deal. I think we will want to explore the character more because, by the end of the movie, it’s only really the beginning for Tom. He’s just discovered that he’s a psychopath really and that he also has emotion, so that’s an intriguing place and it would be fun to explore what that means for Tom and where he goes with this new knowledge. And, of course, Declan [Tom Hopper] is still out there. So, there’s vengeance to be had. I think we would love to do a sequel if people enjoy the movie.

You’ve worked on quite a few projects during quarantine, including what you’re filming now, Outlander Season 6. What’s it like to be back in Jamie’s boots after the delay? Season 6 has a hard decision for him. He will have to decide he’s going to side with the colonists. But, he must have qualms about that.

You’re absolutely right. He knows he’s on the wrong side. He knows he’s going to be on the losing side. Obviously, from Claire, he knows from history what’s going to happen. The War of Independence is getting closer and Jamie knows eventually he’s going to be on the side of the rebels. That’s where his true loyalty lies. But, yeah, it’s getting very complicated for him. And the events of Season 5 have an impact. Claire was assaulted, so the whole family is still dealing with that. It’s not an easy time right now.

What’s it like filming Outlander in the time of COVID?

To be honest, we’re there and we’re doing well. We’re keeping everyone safe. I think that’s the most important part. It’s now the third thing I’ve done during COVID–Men in Kilts and then also Text for You, the movie I filmed over Christmas. So, it’s become like a habit and it’s easier, but it’s not easy. No, the practicalities of it are extremely taxing and hard and it slows things down. But also, I think mentally, everyone’s slightly been affected by this. Despite being on set, you still feel that people are nervous. So, I’m glad that we’re keeping everyone safe for sure. SAS: Red Notice is On Demand starting March 16. Next, Sam Heughan shares what he loves most about Jamie Fraser and some Outlander Season 6 scoop!

Sam Heughan on Outlander Season 6 Spoilers   SAS  Red Notice - 11Sam Heughan on Outlander Season 6 Spoilers   SAS  Red Notice - 68