While there are a handful of reasons why pimples pop up—usually at the worst possible times, we might add—you have a sneaking suspicion that stress is the cause of these unwelcome little friends of yours. But what are the symptoms of stress acne, exactly, and how can you treat it? We talked with dermatologists. Here’s what they had to say.

What is stress acne?

Stress acne is exactly what it sounds like: Pimples that pop up as a result of stress. “Acne is a frustrating condition that can cause people to become self-conscious about their physical appearance and withdraw from their daily activities,” says Dr. Stacy Chimento, MD, board-certified Miami Dermatologist of Riverchase Dermatology. “To make matters worse, when people are under stress, skin conditions like acne can become exacerbated due to the body’s added hormonal fluctuations.” You’ve probably heard of cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone.” Dr. Chimento notes that when we’re stressed out, we produce cortisol because our bodies think we’re “getting ready for battle.” “But, when the body produces too much of this one hormone, it causes oil glands to generate additional sebum, which, in turn, clogs pores and causes breakouts,” she explains.

Symptoms of stress acne

It’s easy to believe every blemish that pops up is caused by stress, but that’s not always the case. If you consistently get pimples along your jawline at the same time every month, for example, it’s more likely hormonal acne. “If there is a stressful event, like an illness in the family or ongoing issues at work, and the normal amount of breakouts become more frequent and cystic, it is possible that they are caused by added stress,” explains Dr. Chimento. Another sign that stress is the cause of those pimples? If a simple spot treatment used to do the trick on a blemish, but it no longer does. “If a person’s blemishes usually diminish overnight with the use of a spot treatment but now take several days to calm down, stress could be to blame,” says Dr. Chimento. “Excess stress can cause wounds and acne to heal far more slowly because of added inflammation in the body. Stress can also be responsible if a blemish continues to grow and become more irritated despite washing the face and using proper skincare.” Dr. Ife Rodney, MD and dermatologist at Eternal Dermatology notes that if a blemish forms hours after a stressful event or prolonged stressful thoughts, it’s safe to blame it on stress. “Stress acne also appears on the parts of your face that produces excess oil, specifically your T-zone (forehead, nose, chin),” she says.

Causes of stress acne

The main cause of stress acne is typically, well … stress. “In response to stress, our brains produce more hormones, including cortisol. These hormones aren’t necessarily a bad thing In emergency situations, we use them for fight or flight,” explains Dr. Rodney. “In other situations, they can cause unwanted reactions in our bodies. On our skin, these stress hormones may increase inflammation and oil (sebum) production.” Dr. Rodey adds that the excess sebum plugs up your pores, and together with acne-causing bacteria, creates pimples. “Stress can also cause us to be inconsistent with skincare routines, touch our skin excessively (as an anxious habit) or to eat more unhealthy (high glycemic index) foods that trigger acne,” she notes.

Treatment for stress acne

If you suspect you’re dealing with stress acne, the first step is to reduce stress as much as possible. Here are Dr. Ife’s top suggestions:

Try to get eight hours sleep every night

Sleep reduces cortisol levels, which are behind excess oil production, according to Dr. Rodney.

Try specific relaxation techniques

“Relaxation techniques like yoga, mediation, and exercise can help,” she says.

If you’ve been neglecting your skincare routine due to stress, get back to it 

“Try a gentle cleanser twice a day,” suggests Dr. Rodney. “You may also consider a salicylic acid cleanser. As salicylic acid is oil soluble, it is able to penetrate deep into and unclog your pores. Make sure to use a broad-spectrum moisturizer with sunscreen daily, too, and a gentle exfoliation at least once a week.”

Talk to someone

Whether it’s a loved one or a mental health professional, let someone know how you’re feeling. “Speak with someone who can help you process your stress or connect with loved ones for that much-needed support,” suggests Dr. Rodney.

Try adjusting your diet

If you’ve been hitting the sugar extra hard recently and forgetting to eat your veggies, it may be time to make a change. “When we’re stressed, we don’t eat salads,” says Dr. Rodney. “We go for the pint of ice cream in the freezer. Dairy and sugar contribute to inflammation, which can increase acne. A balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is the way to go.”

See a dermatologist and get a prescription

If you’re dealing with stubborn acne issues—stress-related or otherwise—you can always see a dermatologist about it. “To directly target the acne, retinols or prescription retinoids change the way the skin cells develop from the inside out and decrease clogged pores,” says Dr. Rodney. “Other topical active ingredients include benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. For faster results, consider getting a medical-grade chemical peel. If more serious cystic acne develops, your dermatologist may give you a quick steroid injection  into large painful cysts.” Next up, here are the best treatments for cystic acne. 


Dr. Stacy Chimento, MD, board-certified Miami Dermatologist of Riverchase DermatologyDr. Ife Rodney, MD and dermatologist at Eternal Dermatology Stress Acne  Symptoms  Causes  Treatments  Prevention of Stress Pimples - 47