Meat can be a good source of protein, which is something we all need. A commonly accepted general guideline dictates that a sedentary adult should consume about .36 grams of protein a day for each pound of body weight. But the American Heart Association recommends getting most of your protein from healthier sources—specifically plants and fish—instead of red meat and other less healthy options. Research has identified a link between the frequent consumption of processed meat or red meat and a higher risk of diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and other serious health issues. As with many things, moderation is key—most experts would say enjoying an occasional burger or having a sandwich with cold cuts once in a while is unlikely to do much harm. If you do eat meat and want to mostly stick with varieties that will give you the best nutritional benefits, experts suggest these healthy meats.

Wild-caught salmon

Certified Nutritionist Serena Poon, a founder of Just Add Water and Culinary Alchemy, says, “A fish like wild-caught salmon not only contains about six grams of protein per ounce, but it’s also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which support health in numerous ways, including boosting cardiovascular, brain and gut health.” In addition, “it also provides a good amount of essential vitamins and minerals such as niacin, vitamin B12, phosphorus, potassium and selenium.” She notes that farm-raised salmon has a different omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, and can sometimes pose a risk of contaminants, but can still be a healthy option. She recommends using the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch guide to help you determine the healthiest fish options, both wild and farmed.

Chicken breast (without skin)

Dr. Melina Jampolis, an internist and board-certified physician nutrition specialist, says skinless chicken breast is low in saturated fat and high in protein, and is a very good source of B vitamins—particularly niacin, and also B12, which older people are often deficient in. In addition, it contains important minerals like zinc, selenium, and magnesium. She notes that organic or free-range chickens are typically the healthier options.

White meat turkey (without skin) 

Dr. Jampolis says that, like skinless chicken breast, skinless turkey meat is also low in saturated fat and high in protein. It too is rich in B vitamins, especially B6—and is, even more, B12 rich than chicken. One word of caution: she warns that turkey can be higher in sodium, so it’s wise to be careful about portion sizes if you are trying to limit your sodium intake.

Grass-fed beef

Carrie Bonfitto, a wellness educator and cooking instructor at Two Hearts Nutrition who is board-certified in holistic nutrition, notes that people often consider beef an unhealthy food because of its association with high cholesterol and cancer, but grass-fed beef is a healthier choice than other types, including organic.   “Grass-fed meat is what meat was before industrial farming took over,” Bonfitto says. “Grass keeps the animal healthy, leaner, and increases a good fat called conjugated linoleic acid or CLA. The benefits of CLA include the prevention of heart attacks and type 2 diabetes, reduced risk of cancer, and the promotion of weight loss.” If the price of grass-fed beef is a little steep for you, opt for organic beef. The label “organic” means cows are fed a healthier, non-GMO diet, treated better, not given antibiotics or hormones. If organic beef is still too expensive, look for antibiotic and hormone-free labels.

Wild meat

Poon said people often don’t think about the nutritional value of wild meats, such as that derived from locally hunted deer and elk, but they can be a great source of healthy protein. “These animals eat wild foods, are active and lean and do not contain the antibiotics found in a farm-raised animal. They are also good sources of B vitamins, zinc and iron. You cannot find these meats in the grocery store but may be able to buy them from a local hunter or you could even hunt your own.”

Which meats should you avoid? 

The experts all agreed that anything processed should be enjoyed sparingly, if at all. This includes things like hot dogs, sausage, cured bacon, and cold cuts. Also, Dr. Jampolis advises steering clear of high-fat cuts of red meat where there is a lot of visible fat within the meat, as these are typically much higher in saturated fat.  

Making healthy meats more affordable

Unfortunately, the leanest and healthiest meats are also often among the most expensive. But there are ways to eat meat in a smart way, even on a budget. “Instead of making meat the main attraction, consider making it more of a delicacy,” Poon suggests. “Fill your plate with vegetables and whole grains and then a small cut of high-quality meat. This will give you adequate protein and nutrition, and keep a little more money in your pocketbook.”

How to prepare healthy meats

Meats that start out healthy can quickly go in a much less healthy direction if they aren’t prepared and cooked properly. “The biggest mistake I see when people are cooking meat is coating it in olive oil,” says Bonfitto. “Although olive is a healthy fat, it can’t take the high temperatures used in grilling or roasting meat. Once it gets too hot—say, over 350 degrees Fahrenheit—olive oil oxidizes and becomes carcinogenic. So using avocado oil or grass-fed ghee, which can both take temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, keeps your meat healthier. “However, wisely chosen seasonings can be a great way to boost both nutritional value and flavoring. “Adding herbs and spices makes any meat healthier and especially when grilling,” says Jampolis. Next up: 100 Inspirational Health Quotes


Carrie Bonfitto, wellness educator and cooking instructor at Two Hearts NutritionFarmed Salmon vs. Wild Salmon. Washington State Department of Health. Accessed 11/08/21.Melina Jampolis, internist and board-certified physician nutrition specialistMozaffarian, Dariush. Dietary and Policy Priorities for Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Obesity: A Comprehensive Review. Circulation, AHA Journals. 2016; 133:187-225.Nutrient Recommendations: Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI). U.S. Department of Agriculture. Accessed 11/08/21.Picking Healthy Proteins. American Heart Association. Accessed 11/08/21.Recommendations. Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch. Accessed 11/08/21.Salter AM. The effects of meat consumption on global health. Rev Sci Tech. 2018 Apr;37(1):47-55. doi: 10.20506/rst.37.1.2739. PMID: 30209430.Serena Poon, certified nutritionist and founder of Just Add Water and Culinary AlchemyShahidi F, Ambigaipalan P. Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Their Health Benefits. Annu Rev Food Sci Technol. 2018 Mar 25;9:345-381. doi: 10.1146/annurev-food-111317-095850. PMID: 29350557Wild Game: The Other Red Meat. University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Accessed 11/08/21.Grass-fed vs Organic Meat: What’s the Difference? Cleveland Clinic. Accessed 11/11/2021. The 5 Healthiest Meats to Know About - 14