Katie Thurston’s first night meeting her potential future husbands was genuinely insane: There was a cat suit (not to be confused with a catsuit, which would have also been mortifying), a two-time Bachelorette reject, a man in a box (seriously), heated arguments, a fake British accent, a sex doll, a kiss in the rain—all stuff that makes for great drama, if not necessarily true love. Somewhat ironically, one of Thurston’s key quotes from her toast to her contestants urged the gentlemen to be authentic, despite the costumes and gimmicks most of them used to woo her. “I appreciate every one of you who took time out of your lives to be here,” she told her beaus. “All I ask is that you be yourself, because that’s the only way this is going to work.” These Bachelorette memes from last night’s premiere pretty much nail all of our feelings on Thurston’s future. Good luck, girl!
The Best Bachelorette Season 17 memes
1. The Bachelorette’s Quartney is a mini-Moss.
2. The Bachelorette’s Quartney is a Dale Moss + Don Cheadle mashup.
3. The Bachelorette’s Quartney is cursing Clare Crawley for this. (Also, Marty looks a lot more like Dale than Quartney does. Just saying!)
4. TheBachelorette’s Brandon maybe has a secret relative from The Hills?!
5. TheBachelorette’s Brandon may be the only person ever compared to a Disney prince and Justin Bobby.
6. If TheBachelorette’s Katie and Connor get married, could she still be considered a cat lady?
7. TheBachelorette contestants aren’t bloodthirsty, we swear!
8. What if The Bachelorette’s Chris Harrison was in the box?
9. If TheBachelorette’s Michael is also Type A, we’re rooting for him to star in the reboot.
10. The Bachelorette’s Andrew is from Austria, but his mouth is from the U.K.
11. TheBachelorette’s Connor should’ve given his cat costume to the film adaptation of Cats.
12. TheBachelorette’s box guy has more than just his head in the box, we hope!
13. The Bachelorette’s Greg is an early frontrunner and fan fave.
14. The Bachelorette’s Connor is, shy. Yes, that’s what he is. Shy.
15. The Bachelorette contestants know how to flash a little leg.
16. The Bachelorette’s Zach is about to show up at all the car dealerships.
17. Get yourself a partner who will get you a big piece of the pi.
18. Would TheBachelorette’s Cody ditch one of his kids while he went on vacation, though?
19. If The Bachelorette franchise moved to Cinemax…
20. TheBachelorette’s Blake is more like “the one…currently in front of me.”
21. The Bachelorette’s Connor is playing cat and mouse.
22. The Bachelorette’s Cody is like the national freakin’ treasure that is Jon Favreau.
23. The Bachelorette’s Blake is back… and we ain’t lyin'!
24. The Bachelorette’s Blake needs to be lassoed already.
25. The Bachelorette’s Brendan may have Johnny Bravo’s ego (but we hope not).
26. Good thing The Bachelorette’s Quartney he isn’t pint-sized, or that would be confusing.
27. The Bachelorette’s Greg has us crying happy tears, but also because we want him for ourselves.
28. The Bachelorette’s Blake is hoping the third time’s the charm.
29. The Bachelorette’s John is ready for some “sex on the beach” jokes.
30. TheBachelorette’s Christian will star in Vice Versa 2.
31. The Bachelorette’s Brendan didn’t crack Katie’s Top 8…or even her Top 23.
32. The Bachelorette’s female co-hosts rock. Sorry Chris Harrison!
33. Go on TheBachelorette? Inconceivable!
34. TheBachelorette’s Katie knows what’s up.
35. TheBachelorette always leaves us wanting more.
Next, find out all about who will host The Bachelorette this season after Chris Harrison’s exit!