You spoke at one point about how difficult it was to watch him, from your perspective, flirt with other women in the game. That seemed to be most prominent during Tiffany’s boot episode. Can you speak more about that?For me, I’m never going to pin my issues with someone on another woman. He was blatantly doing it in front of me to make me feel a certain type of way. He was blatantly doing things to hurt me. And that was my biggest thing. It wasn’t the women; it wasn’t him flirting. It was the fact that he was doing it blatantly in front of me to hurt me. So and I’m not saying every single time he flirted with someone, it was to hurt me. He was probably just living his life. But in certain circumstances, I’d be sitting somewhere, and the next thing you know, he’s there, right next to me. I just felt disrespected in some instances. But also, he didn’t really owe me anything. We weren’t dating. We weren’t on good terms. We weren’t friends. It was just a lot of different emotions to work through. But when he left, it was very happy for me. (Laughs.)I’d argue the moment that put you on the map this season was your elimination win with Domenick. I know he did not have some kind words for you earlier in the episode, and I saw some drama on social media after the episode aired. Talk to me about that relationship, especially considering Dom is still in the game by the time you leave.I think when we got out of elimination, he and I talked. Then we had mutual respect for each other because we won an elimination together. But after watching the show back and hearing all the things he was saying about me, downright dragging me through the mud, I didn’t appreciate it. And then there’s the smoke on social media. I’m also like, “Yo, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be here!” Yes, Sarah and Cinco were telling me to stack the blocks, just like people were saying that to Tasha as well. But if Tasha would have won, nobody would be giving credit to anybody else. But it’s the fact that I won. And it was my ex up there with Sarah saying stack the blocks. At the end of the day, if I would have knocked the blocks over, we would have lost because you didn’t stop the drain. If I wasn’t tall enough to put the blocks on top, we would have lost because you didn’t stack the drain. If I didn’t hear them, or if I tried a different outlet or something different, we would have lost because you didn’t stop the drain. So the fact that I felt like he was just giving credit to other people, he wasn’t appreciative. He didn’t really have my back. He was just constantly slamming me, even before the elimination. He’s like, “Why is she running so fast? It’s a marathon, not a sprint” Well, for me, it’s a sprint because I’m faster than you! And I thought I could lap him and get the stack faster, but then I found out you both have to finish at the same time. But just overall, that just wasn’t a good partnership. It wasn’t a good experience. I just think we’re very different people; we’re like oil and water. And during that experience, I thought we really bonded and helped each other. But getting out, watching it, and hearing things he said, that was not the case.  You spoke earlier about not being as prepared for the show, and it seemed that you were viewed as a weaker competitor earlier. Did that change as the season went along?Honestly, I get it. “Cash can’t swim.” Okay, I know. But there are other things about me that make me a competitor. I mean, a lot of the reasons why I looked at I was looked at as weak is because most of the challenges were swimming. If a lot of the challenges were more like the last one with running, I wouldn’t be seen as weak. Constantly having to prove yourself sucks. But being seen as weak is almost an advantage in some instances.Finally, in honor of the infamous “[expletive] They Should Have Shown” episode of the old-school days of The Challenge, what’s one moment from your time on the show that you wish had made the edit?I just wish there were more relationships shown. We really did all have a good time together. And I wish you guys could see more of people bonding. And for me, I just wish y’all got to see me talking more. Because it was just me being really silly or me being really sad. But there’s so much gushy stuff in the middle! (Laughs.) So much more to me than the girl that’s twerking or the girl crying. So I wish that was shown. But again, I don’t have any regrets.Next, read our interview with Leo Temory, who was eliminated in The Challenge: USA Episode 8. Photo by Laura Barisonzi, courtesy of Paramount

The Challenge USA  Cashay Proudfoot Post Elimination Interview  2022  - 37