spoke with The Circle season 3 contestants Daniel Cusimano, Michelle Rider, and Ruksana Carroll about what made them decide to go on the series, what they looked for in the profiles of their opponents, and how they dealt with isolation while playing. What made you decide to enter The Circle?Daniel Cusimano: Why notThe Circle?! I love reality TV. When I saw season one, what’s so different about this from any other network is the diversity, the inclusion that Netflix brings to the table. I was like, “Wow. They have this huge platform where we can inspire and motivate and show people it doesn’t matter how you walk, who you are, how old you are.” I’m this 20-year-old student from Palm Harbor, Florida; in some way, I got on this show. If I can do it, anybody else can do it. I know the two beautiful, lovely ladies that we’re here with can say the same. We are unique individuals that you don’t see on everyday television. So Netflix was just the perfect place to be who we are, and I couldn’t be more thankful for it.Michelle Rider: So I was just minding my own business with my family. I was doing stand-up comedy and doing little tours here and there. And I got a call that said, “We loved your stand-up. We think you would be great on the show. What do you think?” Well, I went back and watched it. And I was like, “Dang, a break from my husband and children. Let’s do it!” As Daniel said, it is absolutely such a great opportunity for anyone. You don’t have to have a background in movies. These are your everyday ordinary people that go in. What’s so great about this show is you just don’t know who you’ll meet.Ruksana Carroll: They also found me, on Instagram. I didn’t know if it was legit or not; I had to do some research. And once I saw it, I binge-watched it, I was hooked. For me, it’s all about the representation and sharing my life and how I live life. Because a lot of people that aren’t little like me, I don’t really think we have the same kind of views or the way we live. So to me, it was an opportunity to have a positive platform to give people a taste of how I think and how I go about life daily. Social media is such a big part of our daily lives. How much does experience with social media play into playing on The Circle?Michelle: I didn’t know what a damn emoji was! But I have a huge following on TikTok. So being on there and social media prior really helped me when I got to The Circle.Ruksana: For me, it was always to be mindful. Because once things are out there, it’s out there, and people will dissect it and look at it and run it back and analyze it as many times as they want. So it’s really just making sure the right photo, the right quote, or whatever you’re sharing is exactly what you want it to be because people will dissect it and make it to whatever they want it to be. The narrative can be changed very quickly. I’m just very mindful of what I post.Daniel: I feel like I learned, especially in this game, that it’s so important about how you come across on social media. You have to be very mindful. What I brought into the game is to just really be yourself. The more real and genuine you are on social media, the more people will really like you and fall for you. Now on social media, I’m crying, I’m dying, I’m laughing, I’m losing my mind, I’m having mental breakdowns. When you’re playing on The Circle, what characteristics do you look for in the profile of someone you want to work with?Ruksana: In a profile, there are ways to be serious about some of the things about your life and then throw in like little spin to it to make people see that you’re also personable. Not strictly “booksy,” if that’s even a word. My life is being a wife and mom, as well as loving Bollywood and hip-hop. So when I put that in my profile, anybody knows that my life is full of bright colors and very musical. And if you mess with me, I got a whole tribe of 300 people that’s gonna shut it down, too! So what was key was finding that balance. What about you, Daniel?Daniel: I wanted a mom. Because I felt like I wasn’t going to have anybody my age really on the show. My strategy coming in was, I’m not here to make friends; I have to make them believe I am family. So I was looking for anybody who would embrace that big brother, sister, or mother role. Then there’s a chance it would actually turn into real and raw and genuine beautiful relationships that I will literally keep with me for the rest of my life.Michelle: I tried to pick out the most genuine-looking picture. And, obviously, that doesn’t always work. I went for someone that I could nurture, that I could get close to, that would have missed their mom or miss their family. Because that’s one thing that every single person will say that they miss the most while being there: Their family. Honestly, I don’t think this show is a popularity thing. We’re looking for emotional support because we do go through a lot. Let’s talk about that isolation. What was it like playing in a situation that put you in an apartment by yourself, unable to interact with anyone face-to-face?Michelle When you first get there, it’s just a whirlwind. I never traveled before like this; I’m a little Southern girl. It’s this whole different place, and I’m just scared and just trying to get him to my apartment to get into lockdown. So it’s scary. But at the same time, we had extra time that season one didn’t have because we were in two weeks of quarantine. So we had extra time to strategize that they didn’t have.Ruksana: I left my six-year-old for a month, I had never traveled by myself anywhere. So that in itself, everyone was very scared. I didn’t think I could do it. But my daughter was my motivation. And I was like, “Hey, maybe this is God telling me I need to try something different and get out of my comfort zone.” It was very lonely. When everything’s at your fingertips, you can control the situation. But we weren’t controlling the situation. My family was five hours ahead. I couldn’t go to Target and impulse buy if I felt like it. I couldn’t call somebody quickly. To be honest with you, for me, it took a lot of looking out the window and looking at people and watching their interactions to get me through. It makes you feel like a part of society.Daniel: It was crazy. I go to college 45 minutes away from home. So I was home every weekend; my family worked from home. They have been with me my whole entire life. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times my mom and my dad have not been in the household. And I’ve been alone. So then, to go almost two months without them was just different. And there was this moment on the show where I was reading letters from home that was so emotional. Because like I knew the letters on the paper were real and genuine. And in the game where you don’t know who is speaking real and genuine truth to it was so emotional. But luckily, I got to FaceTime them during quarantine. I’m like, “Listen, look on the bright side. I can watch some Netflix now. I can eat some PopTarts. Take it for what it is.” Which contestant from a previous season of The Circle would you want to share an apartment with in the game?Daniel: I’ll say Courtney. I feel like it’d be so iconic. I love everybody else too, like I love Lisa from season two. But I feel Courtney and I are very strategic and funny with the same vibe and energy. I can’t have someone that’s boring.Michelle: Lee, of course! We’d get along so well.Ruksana: I’m gonna pick Chris Sapphire from season 1. Because I think we could do some great makeup videos and fashion tutorials. We would have a ball; I would go dancing with him. Or Chloe from season two, because I think she gets me. We could be VIPs somewhere just to spend the money. Next, check out our interview with The Circle season 2 runner-up Chloe Veitch.