Great cooks have long known that garlic makes most things better—but according to TikTok, fresh cloves don’t just create great flavors, they can also clear your sinuses and cure colds. A series of trending TikTok videos shows individuals stuffing whole cloves of garlic in their nostrils. After leaving them in for several minutes (their recommendations vary from five to more than 20 minutes), TikTokers insist that removing the garlic cloves clears their clogged sinuses. Below, one TikToker not only says that the #garlicinnose trend helped her sinuses, but it also caused her to salivate quite a bit. This gentleman had full-on bubbles in his mucus. Hot! These ladies tried the trend in a desperate attempt to get healthy ahead of one of their weddings. While we know the health benefits of garlic include improvements to blood pressure and cholesterol, can they really cure your cold or unclog your sinuses? Doctors are pretty much unanimous on this—find out what they think of this bizarre TikTok trend.

Is using garlic cloves in the nose safe?

In a word: No! Dr. Lizz Kinyua, MD and consultant for Oh So Spotless, warns that inserting anything into the nose can potentially be deadly. “Putting objects in your nose can lead to upper airway obstruction, and you may need a surgical procedure to get them removed. Other complications may be choking and gasping if the garlic lodges and obstructs the lower airway, which can be fatal,” she said. “If the piece of garlic is small, it may fall and settle in the lung, where it can cause inflammation, infection, and eventually lung fibrosis.” This TikToker got garlic stuck in her nose and noted that it really stung. “The garlic in the nostril can also irritate the mucosa, leading to worsening congestion, trauma, and, worse, bleeding.” Indeed, this TikToker got a nosebleed as soon she inserted the garlic into her nostrils. Let her be a warning! In addition to the dangers of getting garlic physically lodged in your nostrils, there’s another added risk, Dr. Victoria Glass, MD, of the Farr Institute notes: Oils in garlic can cause irritation in the lining of your nostrils, potentially causing even more problems.

Can inserting garlic cloves into the nostrils actually work to clear your sinuses?

Dr. Kinyua pointed out that not only doesn’t using garlic in your nose work to clear your sinuses, but it can also actually make your cold, allergy, and flu symptoms worse. “The logic behind this trend is that the smell of garlic causes the lysis of mucus and eventually unclogging of the nose and sinuses. However, this could never work because the smell of garlic is quite irritating and causes even more mucus to be produced,” she said. “Also, when you block the nostril, more mucus accumulates. So when the garlic is removed, it looks like there is a lot of mucus, but it’s only because the mucus accumulated in the nostril.” Dr. Glass concurred, explaining, “Inserting garlic in your nose doesn’t treat a cold or sinuses, even though when you pull it out, your nose runs. This usually happens because anytime you block nostrils mucus gathers, and unblocking it releases the build-up.”

What are safer, more effective methods of treating colds?

As for methods to treat colds, Dr. Kinyua recommends honey, hot water, and lemon as a natural immune booster to help clear mucus, as well as multivitamins to help boost your immunity. Antihistamines are also safe, but she notes that they are best when used if your allergies are “superimposed on the cold.” Dr. Glass also recommends drinking hot liquids with honey to ease cold and sinus symptoms and says that vaporizers, humidifiers, hot showers, and good old-fashioned rest can also provide relief. Swimmers, take heed: She also recommends avoiding chlorinated pools while you’re feeling unwell. Of course, treating symptoms is limiting, as Dr. Timothy Wong, MD points out: For lasting relief and to just get better (not just feel better), it’s important to treat the underlying problem causing your symptoms. Seeing your family doctor or an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) can help you determine a diagnosis and treatment plan to recover fully and breathe easily again.

What are safer, more effective methods of clearing one’s sinuses?

Steaming, neti-pots and saltwater gargles can provide some temporary relief, Dr. Kinyua says, as can over-the-counter nasal sprays with saline. Dr. Glass says that a warm wet towel on the face can aid in sinus drainage as well. Next, doctors explain exactly how to protect yourself from the flu this year.


Dr. Lizz Kinyua, MDDr. Victoria Glass, MD, of the Farr InstituteDr. Timothy Wong, MDNational Center for Complementary and Integrative Health TikTok Garlic Nose Trend  Doctors On If It s Safe or Effective at Curing Colds  Clearing Sinuses - 73