In the book, which releases on Oct. 18, Felton recounts the rough start of the two’s friendship and how luckily, it grew to be something extraordinary.  Felton writes, via Daily Mail, “My relationship with Emma did not start well. She’d have been forgiven for not wanting much to do with me. It got worse.” He describes how he acted like a bit of a jerk as a teenager, but thankfully, he grew out of it. Fortunately, Felton and Watson grew very close over time, with the actor revealing that he “always had a secret love for Emma.”  While many Harry Potter fans are likely happy to hear that, he amends it by saying that it was “not perhaps in the way that people might want to hear. That isn’t to say that there’s never been a spark between us. There most definitely has, only at different times.” Many people know of Watson’s crush on Felton when she was a young teen, and while Felton didn’t reciprocate feelings then, the two’s connection developed to the point that, when they were older, he “denied that I liked [Watson] in that way, but the truth was different.” Felton says that the woman he was dating at the time “knew straight away that there was something unspoken between us. I remember using the familiar old line ‘I love her like a sister.’ But there was more to it than that.” Describing their close bond that continues to this day, Felton writes, “I don’t think I was ever in love with Emma, but I loved and admired her as a person in a way that I could never explain to anybody else…. We were kindred spirits. I know for certain I’ll always have Emma’s back and she’ll always have mine too.” While there might be more about Watson and Felton in the memoir to be revealed once it comes out, Watson actually wrote the foreword for the book, which was leaked early. In her short introduction via Glamour, she echoes Felton’s sentiments, saying, “Like Tom, I always struggle to explain to people the nature of our connection and relationship. For more than twenty years now we’ve loved each other in a special way. and I’ve lost count of the times people have said to me, ‘You must have drunkenly made out, just once!’ ‘You must have kissed!’ ‘There must be something!’ But what we have is far deeper than that.” She continued: “It’s one of the purest loves I can think of. We’re soulmates, and we’ve always had each other’s backs. I know we always will. It makes me emotional to think about it.” How sweet!  More News:

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