Top Chef can be incredibly difficult to compete in, even more so when you’re battling physical ailments. Unfortunately for Leia Gaccione, she learned that lesson firsthand. The Jersey chef was given a crash course in teamwork when she grouped up with Jae Jung and Stephanie Miller for the first two challenges. Tasked with creating a three-course menu around primal cuts of beef, the trio decided to do Asian theming, despite some of their discomforts. But part of that discomfort may be credited to Leia’s bladder infection, which left her reeling the very first night. She was able to rally enough to cook the next day, but it was far from stellar. The judges did not like the methods of preparing her summer roll and the lack of focus on the beef. Unfortunately, that led them to add insult to Leia’s injury, eliminating her from the season. Read on to hear Leia’s thoughts on her time in the game, and check out Last Chance Kitchen starting next week to watch Leia and other eliminated chefs fight for redemption and a chance to get back into the competition. What compelled you to apply for Top Chef? When the casting producers reached out to me, there was no hesitation in saying YES! This is honestly a dream come true for a fan like me, who has been tuning in since season one. It was an absolute honor and privilege to be included in a group of such talented chefs in my favorite cooking competition. What were your initial reactions when you found out you would be working with Stephanie and Jae for both the Quickfire and Elimination challenges? I was thrilled to learn that I would be working with Stephanie and Jae on both challenges. Women in this industry are a force to be reckoned with, and I was happy to be partnered up with two strong, talented, compassionate, and successful women. You were worried that your team’s cooking styles were too different to create a cohesive series of dishes. What made you decide to go in the direction you did ultimately? I was not worried that our cooking styles were different, but I did think we could have come up with a better menu to show the cohesiveness between our dishes and our cooking styles. Having that as our first challenge was tough, personally, since we did not know much about each other or our cooking styles. I was not feeling well physically and did not want to rock the boat too much about changing directions, and time was so limited to finalize a menu. Can you talk more about the bladder infection you had while on the show? How did that affect the way you approached the competition? Absolutely. Yes, on the first day of the competition, I had a fever and was in quite a bit of pain. By the day of the elimination challenge, it was tough for me to be on my feet because of how much discomfort I was in. I was also not as swift as I usually am in the kitchen, both physically and mentally, and for those reasons, I did not perform my best and made some rookie mistakes. I am proud for sticking it out, though, and not giving up. Let’s talk about the Elimination Challenge. You were criticized for not wrapping tightly enough and not highlighting the beef. Did those comments surprise you? The comment about not wrapping the summer roll tightly enough was not surprising, but not highlighting the beef was. Again, I really was not myself due to health issues, and it affected my performance. Were you surprised you were eliminated over Jae and Stephanie? I think we all made errors in our dishes, but I think I ultimately was chosen to be eliminated not only because of my errors on the plate but also because my health was suffering. You mentioned you put your life on hold to be on Top Chef, yet you gained a lot through the short time you were there. How did you reconcile your emotions in those moments after your elimination? Sometimes in life, a loss is really a win in disguise. I went into the competition knowing that there could only be one winner, and I genuinely feel that by just being on the show, I won. It was truly an honor to even be in that kitchen for one day, and I am so grateful for the experience. Not only was it a wonderful experience, but I also walked away with so many new connections and friendships that will last a lifetime! I would do it all over again in a heartbeat for such an incredible opportunity. Next, check out our interview with Top Chef Houston head judge Tom Colicchio.

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