Learning experiences are a constant in Sam Kang’s life. As someone passionate about education, he’s constantly looking to teach and learn about the culinary world. And it’s with this methodical optimism he approached the Top Chef pressure cooker, eager to bring the Sam spin to whatever challenge came his way. And he attempted just that with “Samaloo,” his take on an Indian dish meant to highlight his much-cherished potato. Unfortunately, a series of unfortunate events turned his beloved starch into his Achilles heel. Sam’s risk-taking fell flat with the judges, who decided this would be his last lesson in the Top Chef classroom. Read on to hear Sam’s thoughts on his time in the game, and check out Last Chance Kitchen to watch Sam and other eliminated chefs fight for redemption and a chance to get back into the competition. What compelled you to apply for Top Chef? I’m on a mission right now to end world hunger. In order for me to accomplish this mission, I need to be hyper-focused on the cause, which means I need to live without regret or fear. It has been a childhood dream of mine to compete on Top Chef. And I did not want this dream to be an obstacle in the future but rather a stepping stone for me to become a better human. You said you gave up your apartment to be on Top Chef. Did those financial stakes weigh on you as you went through the competition? I went into the competition to have a great time and fulfill a childhood dream, which I did. Winning would have been a great benefit. But I don’t let finances control me, as I am in control of my finances. Your approach to the kitchen was slow and methodical, saying, “You can taste crazy in food.” How tough was that to do when you’re on the clock? Methodical, yes. Slow…I would say that speed is relative to the situation in which one is involved. I would say I moved with quickness when it came to how much I got done in the time frame I was given. When it comes to “taste crazy in food,” I am a firm believer in tasting emotion in food, whether it be home cooking made with love or someone who is aggressively seasoning their food. The same applies to crazy. I feel chaoticness can be tasted in mood and have a muddled taste. You showed a lot of admiration for guest chef Hung Hyunh. How did it feel cooking for him, even if it was on a dish you got eliminated on? It was a privilege to cook for someone of his stature. Hung Hyunh is someone who has opened the door for the Asian American community through his appearance on Top Chef. He played a big part as a role model for so many young cooks of my generation. It was definitely a bummer to get eliminated with Chef Hung as a judge. But it was also inspirational for me because I need to stay humble and work on my craft if I want to play a role in the future generation as an inspirational figure. Can you clarify what happened with your boiled potatoes on the first day of cooking? Did that factor into why you grilled your potato the next day? On the first day of cooking, I had my curry going, which consisted of spices, butter, potatoes, tomatoes and coconut milk. I was going to add chickpeas to the dish, so I blended the curry to give it more body and have a smooth texture. As I finished blending the curry and started seasoning it, I realized that I was calling my curry “Samaloo,” which meant “Sam’s potato.” I did not want it to be distracted with chickpeas, so I ditched the chickpeas. But I didn’t have any chunks of potato in my dish, which probably would have been confusing. Time was running out, but I wanted to get as much done as possible on the first day. So I started boiling the potatoes. While the potatoes were going, I started packing the rest of my food. When I got around to my potatoes, all the containers in the kitchen were taken. So I decided to focus on my packing and to be set up for tomorrow and cook the potatoes day of. I had asked for a grill because I wanted to use a grill as a way to hold all my food hot as equipment/space was limited. But the grill they gave me wasn’t the grill I thought I would get, and instead got an electric grill. So I thought it would be interesting to grill the potatoes instead of boiling them, because I thought certain people have already seen boiled potatoes on Top Chef. You said you wanted to grill the potatoes for your curry to “put on a show.” Was there at any point you realized that the method of preparing them was trumped by undercooking them? So going back to the previous statement, before I committed to this idea, I tried and tasted a grilled potato. I felt that the texture of the grilled potatoes had an al dente bite, which reminded me of jicama and added an interesting texture to the dish. I had a lot of chefs coming back to my booth, so I had no idea that the judges wouldn’t like how I cooked it. Were you surprised you were eliminated over Ashleigh and Buddha? From all the comments and feedback from the judges about Ashleigh and Buddha’s food compared to mine, yes, I was surprised. You were incredibly upbeat after getting eliminated, hoping someone could learn from your failure. Is that an attitude you’ve always had, or was it specific to the Top Chef experience? If you mean upbeat as in optimistic and hopeful, you are absolutely correct, I was. I teach kids about food and culture, to end world hunger and achieve world peace. Losing with grace is not a bad thing. I want to show the kids that failure isn’t the end, but a stepping stone. I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But I cannot accept not trying. You love to teach kids about food. How have they reacted to seeing you tell your story on screen? It’s an honor to have been able to cook with some of the best chefs in the country. And the support that I have been getting is inspirational. For the younger viewers, I don’t believe they understand the show yet, but I’m sure they will when they are older. Next, check out our interview with Leia Gaccione, who was eliminated in Top Chef Houston Episode 1.

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