It’s hard to believe the length of the pandemic is close to reaching the two-year mark. While COVID-19 has affected all of us in different ways, one of the most common shared feelings we have is loneliness. Having to quarantine separated many people from their loved ones, forcing everyone to adapt to a more secluded lifestyle. “Although many people suffered from loneliness pre-pandemic, the ‘forced isolation’ nature of the pandemic has dramatically increased loneliness in the general population,” says Dr. Carla Marie Manly, a clinical psychologist.  Loneliness is caused by numerous factors. “The most common causes of loneliness include insufficient friends, superficial friendships, self-isolating habits (like drinking alone), increased mental health issues (like anxiety and depression) that tend to foster loneliness, population mobility that generates distance from nuclear family and friends, solitary (versus community or intergenerational) living situations, and the loneliness-inducing pseudo-connection of social media,” Dr. Manly explains. But according to new research, volunteering is one of the best ways to combat loneliness: In a survey of 10,000 volunteers, approximately two-thirds agreed that volunteering made them feel less alone. But being consistent is key. Another study shows that volunteering on a regular basis offers the most benefits, which include feeling less lonely.

How volunteering can help with loneliness

Ever heard of the “helper’s high?” Giving your time to others reduces stress, sadness and anxiety. “From reducing stress and broadening personal horizons to increasing feelings of belonging, volunteering has many benefits,” says Dr. Manly. “Humans are, by nature, gregarious creatures who want to belong and feel connected; when we feel isolated and lonely, our feelings of sadness, stress, and anxiety often increase.” Volunteering also provides a sense of purpose. Humans fare much better when they live purpose-driven lives, Dr. Manly explains. Volunteering allows people of all ages to experience the mental health boost of contributing to the greater community. Additionally, giving your time to others can boost your brain health.“Our brains fare better, too, when we are exposed to others who think and live differently than we do,” Dr. Manly says. “Neurobiologically, our brain health increases and feel-good neurochemicals such as serotonin surge when we step outside our normal routine to volunteer and connect with others in meaningful ways.”  

How to start volunteering

Want to start volunteering? The first step is to create a list of the types of volunteer efforts that are the most meaningful to you. Whether it’s joining an environmental group or helping out at your local soup kitchen, there are a wide variety of options.  If you need additional guidance, many communities have volunteer centers that can help you find the right fit, Dr. Manly explains. If your community doesn’t have a volunteer center, make a list of your ideal volunteering activities such as hospitals, elderly care facilities, animal rescue centers, political action centers, and homeless shelters.  Many volunteer situations offer “meet and greet” and orientation opportunities, as they want the fit to be good for everyone. Here are some sites to check out:


All you have to do is search by city or zip code and you’ll be given a list of volunteer opportunities in your area. There are also virtual options available and you can search by cause: animals, education, human rights, arts and culture, seniors and more. You can find local volunteer opportunities here.

Habitat for Humanity

From neighborhood revitalization to financial education, Habitat for Humanity has improved the lives of millions around the world. To get involved, check out the nearest Habitat for Humanity near you.

American Red Cross

This organization offers emergency assistance, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness throughout the US. To volunteer with the American Red Cross, start by taking a short quiz to find the role that’s right for you.

Animal rescue shelters

There are many ways you can help out ranging from pet adoption to fundraising efforts. Simply spending a few hours each week with the animals is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

Local libraries

Whether you want to organize a book discussion group, help out with adult literacy programs or provide general assistance, libraries are always looking for volunteers. 

Retirement homes

Visit your local assisted living facility and help the seniors in your area. Whether it’s meal delivery, transportation, running errands or spending quality time with the elderly, there are numerous ways to volunteer your time. Next up, here’s what to do when you feel lonely—these expert-recommended tips might just help you feel better. 


Dr. Carla Marie Manly, clinical psychologistNCVO: “Time Well Spent: A National Survey"The Journals of Gerontology: “Does Becoming A Volunteer Attenuate Loneliness Among Recently Widowed Older Adults?” Volunteering May  Cure  Loneliness Here s How to Get Started - 27