While COVID affects each person differently, there are symptoms you can expect to appear at certain times. And with the surge in cases thanks in part to the Omicron variant, it’s important to know what to look for if you or someone you know contracts the virus. “With the cold and flu season set to outpace last year’s cases, many medical experts are worried about the possibility of a ‘twindemic,’” says Dr. Jyotsna Shah, PhD, president of IGeneX, Inc. “That is, they are concerned that a surge in flu cases, combined with the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic may make for a potentially deadly winter.”  For that reason, keeping a careful eye on your symptoms if you do contract COVID-19 is crucial. “This season I am recommending that patients begin tracking their symptoms immediately at the onset, no matter what the symptom is,” Dr. Shah explains. “Make sure to keep a note of when symptoms started, and to track your fever, and perhaps, oxygen levels.” This is critical to a patient’s care as their symptoms progress, and will give a physician a better understanding of how long they have been sick and how the illness is progressing, Dr. Shah adds. “We hope this will encourage people to self-isolate and get tested sooner and will allow physicians to make the best possible decisions regarding treatment and care,” she says. While day-by-day symptoms will look different for everyone—and they may change depending on the variant—in general, here’s what you can expect.

COVID Symptoms From Day 1 to Day 10

The initial days between when you are infected and when you begin to show symptoms are called the incubation period. If you start showing symptoms of COVID-19, make sure to immediately isolate, get tested, and keep a list of people you’ve seen and places you visited, Dr. Shah says. This will be invaluable should your test come back positive. If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, whether you are vaccinated or not, it is critical that you get tested for COVID-19.  Symptoms can present differently in each and every patient. Dr. Shah provides a timeline of COVID symptoms day by day:

Days 1-3

For those who develop symptoms of COVID, the first signs can vary widely. Some may experience fatigue or headache, while others notice a sore throat, cough, or fever. Whatever your initial symptoms may be, at this stage of the illness they remain mild.

Days 4-6

Some patients may never develop more severe symptoms, and simply experience a continuation of the previous days. However, for those who aren’t so lucky, it is at this stage where they begin to observe a worsening of previous symptoms. Perhaps a heightened fever, muscle aches, chills, and a cough. Additionally, if patients are going to lose their sense of taste and smell, it is typically around this time. If you lose your taste and smell, immediately seek out a COVID-19 test.

Days 7-8

At this point, most patients with mild illness begin to feel better! However, it is important to note that even if you feel recovered, it is imperative that you complete your quarantine to prevent spread. For the patients with more severe symptoms, they may see a continuation of the previous symptoms, or, unfortunately, an increase in severity. At this point, make sure you’re monitoring your symptoms closely and stay in contact with your doctor. This will help them ascertain if you may need more than treatment at home.

Days 8-10

“At this point, most patients with mild symptoms will be nearly recovered from their illness," Dr. Shah says. “However, I do recommend that my patients continue to take it easy in the coming weeks, and allow their bodies to fully recover. Those who suffered from more severe symptoms, and needed treatment for low oxygen may take far longer to recover.”

Why Days 5 Through 10 Are the Most Important

Days five through 10 are the most important because is the time frame that respiratory complications will most likely arise. “Days 5-10 are crucial because it helps us ascertain whether additional breathing support may be needed, particularly in older patients, or those with preexisting conditions," Dr. Shah explains. “Essentially, if a patient is going to take a turn for the worse, these are the days we typically see it. As I said, it’s particularly important to track any differences in shortness of breath, and if you can, monitor your blood oxygen level.” If you don’t have a pulse oximeter at home keep an eye out for a blue tinge to the lips and skin. If you begin to notice this, or if you’re noticing a downward trend in oxygen levels- it’s time for a trip to the emergency room. Other worrying symptoms that may prompt a visit include difficulty staying awake, confusion, or intensifying chest pain or pressure, Dr. Shah adds. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, you should always speak with your doctor. Next up, here’s what you need to know about the long-term effects of COVID-19.


Dr. Jyotsna Shah, PhD, President of IGeneX, Inc What COVID Symptoms to Look Like Day by Day - 82